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Godfrey Bloom

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Godfrey Bloom Empty Godfrey Bloom

Post  bitofatwat Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:19 pm

Yorkshire and Humberside UKIP politician telling it straight, and no waffle for a change

Watch till the very end, it only lasts 3mins


Fucking legend. cheers

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Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 62
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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:44 pm

As a fellow baby boomer can I just say this.
Bloom is a cunt.
In fact, all politicians are cunts.


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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  bitofatwat Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:49 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:As a fellow baby boomer can I just say this.
Bloom is a cunt.
In fact, all politicians are cunts.

Views and controversities
On the financial crisis

Bloom was a co-author of Wolfson Prize Economics Submission with Professor Pat Barron and Professor Philipp Bagus.[7] He warns that credit agencies would be "castrated" by too much regulation of the EU.[8]

Bloom claims that MEPs have "little or no business experience" and do not understand the consequences of their actions.[9]
on the EU's viewpoint of women's rights

A few weeks after being appointed to the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality on 20 July 2004, Bloom told an interview that, "no self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age. That isn't politically correct, is it, but it's a fact of life. The more women's rights you have, it's actually a bar to their employment."[10] Around the same time, he said that "I just don't think [women] clean behind the fridge enough" and that "I am here to represent Yorkshire women who always have dinner on the table when you get home."[9][11] Bloom told BBC Radio 4's Today that his comments were "said for fun" to illustrate a more serious point, that equal-rights legislation was in fact putting women out of work.[9]

Bloom confessed that he used to visit brothels in Hong Kong, claiming that "terrified young women beaten into prostitution often from Eastern Europe [...] is only a very small aspect of the flesh trade", and concluded that "in short, most girls do it because they want to."[12]

After inviting students from the University of Cambridge Women's Rugby Club to Brussels in 2004, he was accused of sexual harassment, making sexist comments and using offensive language during a dinner party. One student handed in a formal letter of protest to the President of the European Parliament, heavily critizising Bloom's behaviour. Bloom who sponsored the club with £3,000 a year, later admitted making misogyny comments but denied a sexual harassment.[13][14]
On climate change

Bloom rejects anthropogenic global warming. He said in 2009: "As far as I am concerned man-made global warming is nothing more than a hypothesis that hasn't got any basis in fact. Every day more scientists are modifying their initial views." [15] He argues that the global climate has actually been cooling down since 2002, and bases this on the "the very early skiing season" each year.[16]
On the Rainbow Warrior bombing

Bloom was filmed at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen congratulating the French for bombing the Rainbow Warrior, a Greenpeace ship, in 1985. Bloom's comment prompted outrage from the environmental group, which accused him of "celebrating" the killing of Dutch photographer Fernando Pereira in the bombing in Auckland. Bloom was filmed posing in front of the present Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior II, during the climate summit at the Copenhagen harbour. In the footage, he said: "Here we have one of the most truly fascist boats since 1945, Well done the French for sinking (it)." The video appeared to have been uploaded to Bloom's YouTube channel Goddersvision on 16 December during the last days of the summit, but was later taken down.[17][18]
Other controversities

In December 2008, Bloom had to be carried out by an intern after making a European Parliament speech while drunk.[19] During the speech, Bloom denied that the MEPs from Poland, the Czech Republic or Latvia have the ability to understand economic relations. In February 2012, Bloom interrupted a debate with the question whether the Cambridge University Women's Rugby team should wear their logo on the front or back of their shirts. Later he admitted to have consumed alcohol and "very heavy" prescription painkillers after breaking his collarbone in a riding accident.[20]

On 24 November 2010, Bloom was ejected from the European Parliament after directing a Nazi slogan at a German MEP Martin Schulz as the latter was speaking during a debate on the economic crisis in Ireland. Godfrey Bloom interrupted Schulz and said "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer" - one people, one empire, one leader.[21] He was then suspended from the debate.

Bloom was ejected from the Mansion House for heckling Lord Turner in 2009. In a following letter to the UKIP, Turner wrote that "Mr Bloom will not be receiving any further invitations to Mansion House events nor will be welcome at the Brussels Annual reception [...] As to future Mansion House events we will be seeking a different MEP from UKIP as a potential guest."[22]

At the height of the 2009 parliamentary expenses scandal, Bloom complained about the lack of manners of the political class. In a statement on his website, he pointed out that, unlike many others, he wouldn't employ family members in his parliamentary staff. However, Bloom later conceded that three members of his staff are also employed at TBO, the company in which he is a major shareholder, and one of these is his niece.[5]

Posts : 9479
Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 62
Location : twatsville Barnsley

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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:56 pm

Thanks, that little write up confirms he's a cunt.


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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:58 pm

bitofatwat wrote:Bloom was filmed at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen congratulating the French for bombing the Rainbow Warrior, a Greenpeace ship, in 1985.

Mad Godfrey Bloom 158506


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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  NotBert Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:47 pm

The four letters U-K-I-P show the man to be a shithousing cunt who wants to be able to call black people "negroes" while at a typically English dinner party with his fucking friends. The menu will be handmade ravioli, followed by boeuf bourguignon and wound up with Black Forest gateau all washed down with Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon. They won't see the irony.

He'll seek typical British values such as his leader Farage standing in a chamber bellowing "Who are you?" at Belgians because he misses Leeds tearing fucking giant holes all over Europe in the 70s. When he had a pop at that German, he wasn't insulting him, he was trying to recruit him. A petty-minded fascist who hasn't got the bollocks to come out as BNP but isn't happy that the Conservatives aren't actually burning the poor, the disabled, women and children.

He'll spout shit about climate change not being an exact science and then say how fucking fabulous homeopathy is despite it being the medical equivalent of Ribena in a juice bar. An arsehole who thinks he has some sort of validity because of their courting malcontent protest votes despite the fact that they have as many MPs as the fucking Tufty Club.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:34 pm

Yeah.....what Bert said.



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Godfrey Bloom Empty Re: Godfrey Bloom

Post  NotBert Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:40 pm

Godfrey Bloom O-ukip10

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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