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Are the McCanns in danger?

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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:32 am

You don't muck with authority. Ask David Kelly. Oh, you can't. He commited suicide or something.
The question is will the McCanns also be found in a wood one day soon?
The way the McCanns backs are covered indicates big trouble for so many people who are putting their reputations on the line to stop the truth coming out. The big brothers involved in the cover up must have so much to lose otherwise once it became obvious that the McCanns were narcissistic and self serving they would have been cut adrift and damage control would have been implimented.
But this is a story that can't be let into the public arena without huge repercussions. The impact of public awareness of the true nature of the situation would be too much for any department or individual to sweep it under the carpet. Which points to something very evil going on.
So the couple can basically do what they like. The papers are gagged, TV is on their side, the police forces are sorted, publishing houses are toeing the line, celebrity endorsement is in place, Carter Ruck are patrolling the sidelines making sure as few people as possible get on the playing field. They have the 'Key to the City'. But their bent for seeking the limelight might work against them.
Maybe if Dr.Amaral had just slipped away the case would have eventually died apart from a few scattered internet forums here and there plus the odd lone voice screaming unheard for justice. But Amaral's stance invited further investigation from all quarters. Along came 3A's and an army of cybersleuths were created (Cheers Bren), the message has spread, some of the press are turning, high profile people like Pat Brown are questioning the affair and this must make for an uncomfortable scenario for a lot of well placed prominent people.
Will this end with the McCanns being annexed or will we eventually find out what motivates the powers that be to protect the happy couple so completely?
Are the McCanns are expendable? Or has Gerry and Kate and maybe even the rest of the Tapas group got some sort of failsafe system in place that would take everybody down anyway?

Could it be that it is not the McCanns who are behind the taking of all the legal action. Maybe there are Big Brothers forcing the McCanns hand. The McCanns mucked up that night and Madeleine was lost by whoever or whatever means. The McCanns knew, for an unknown reason, there would be unwanted questions asked about drugs/sex/experiments/abuse or something which would incriminate some very important people, strategic people, dangerous people. Those are the people who were phoned first (call logs deleted) and the McCanns were hurriedly ordered to assimilate abduction by those same important people. Promises of a total cover up were given as long as the McCanns stuck to the script. They are battling the courts in the McCann name to try and save their sinking ship.
Initially, to an experienced cover up team, it would have seemed so simple from back home. Maybe they were expecting the McCanns to take the rap for neglect and be looked after when they came out, say two years later. Every thing would be taken care of. But somehow it all became complicated. The group although packed with intelligent people could not hold it all together and the story varied from person to person. The Tapas 9 were not trained to be subversive. They were not used to lying or subterfuge. They were not trained for field work of this kind. They were not expecting a dead body but they were also caught in the unknown web, they had to grin and bear it however loathsome they found it all. The McCanns too would have been grieving at this time which would have also clouded their thinking. Their initial plan was crap.
The calvary got there really fast but they were not fast enough. The Portugese police were suspicious already. It was only a few days in to the cover up and it was turning to shit already. It took several weeks to sort out the body and more basic errors were made. Then the dogs hit finding those errors. The dogs were not expected. It was not easy to alter the DNA results and destroy all evidence but Big Brother succeeded leading to the eventual closure of the whole Birmingham premises. The case was now like a runaway train.
Maybe the McCanns after a short time had got more confident and suddenly refused to take the rap. They had something over these people why should they take all the blame. News of the case was getting viral too which also protected the McCanns who quickly realised that high visibility could also be their saviour from these people who now offered diguised threats. Gerry might have heard rumours about Dr Kelly too. So they courted and indeed sought out the media like crazy. Started the Amber Alert cause, did a world tour, visited the Pope, European summits et al. Making the occasional faux pas but on the whole keeping it together. Awaiting Big Brother to sort out the only real remaining threat. Dr Amaral. The Tapas 7 were told to go away and shut up or else. Which all they did. Popping out only to help validate the abduction theory by receiving the cheque from the Express. They are still under strict surveillance and very frightened. There was no need for a pact, threats ensured their silence.
But Amaral despite being removed from the case, despite being framed for abuse, despite a litany of lies being thrown at him, despite the killing of his pet dog, despite being taken to several courts, despite being stalked by a crazed lawyer has soldiered on and shown the world, UK apart, that he is in for the long haul and now many more are rallying to the cause. The McCanns and their friends? keep it ticking over but they maybe realise that it, whatever it is, might not be able to be covered up after all.
Amaral is coming.
The McCanns have their failsafe in place but Kate and Gerry are still scared, very scared.
It is a Mexican stand off.
And Big Brother has a big problem.


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:43 am

Are the McCanns in danger? 882526


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:07 pm

Abdul Kowalski wrote: Are the McCanns in danger? 882526
Are the McCanns in danger? 435930


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:22 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? 616326

Are the McCanns in danger? Icke10

Are the McCanns in danger? 882526


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:49 pm

Excellent news that two well respected prominent people have also confirmed their belief that Maddy wasn't abducted in print this week

American criminal profiler Pat Brown and Author David Bret (Both can be looked up on Wikipedia)

Here's David's blog entry:

I do not like this couple, quite simply for the way they have conducted themselves during this enquiry. I find them arrogant, rude, and totally unsympathetic to what has happened to their daughter. Any other couple persistently leaving their children unattended while off wining and dining with friends would have found themselves pilloried to the highest degree. This couple have not, so far as I am aware, expressed the slightest regret--or apology--for doing so. In filmed interviews, their body language (and studying body-language was an integral component of my previous profession) tells me something that I will not and dare not write here. What other couple would hire a public relations man and spokesman for an alleged £75,000 per year? And why would they wish to do this? Ben Needham's mother didn't--neither have the grieving parents of Claudia Lawrence. Do they have something to hide, that they may not speak directly to we mere mortals?
This arrogance, in my opinion, peaked when the McCanns asked Prime Minister Cameron to review the case--they did so by way of a non-impartial tabloid newspaper, and, rather than having the good manners to thank him personally for his action, chose to do so via their spokesman. Yes, even the country's leader is from the way I see things beneath these two.
I would also like to see published accounts of where the vast amounts of money raised for The Madeleine McCann fund have actually gone. I do know, if press reports are correct, that some of this has been used to pay the McCanns' mortgage. I would also like to know exactly why they felt it necessary to have their own spokesman--well, I think I know why, but again I will not say here.
The $64,000 question will always be this, until this mystery is solved: did Kate Healy and Gerry McCann kill their little daughter?
I cannot and will not answer this, because I was not there. What I can do is draw attention to the two tracker dogs, alleged to be 100 % effective in previous police investigations. These dogs, the Portugues police say, sniffed out evidence that a corpse had been hidden in the McCanns' apartment and car. The Portugues police also believed, back in 2007, that Maddie had died accidentally, and that while Kate Healy may have wanted to go to the police, her husband forced her to help him hide Maddie's body. The Portuguese police also believe that the story of an abduction was made up, so that Maddie's parents could cover their tracks. I'm not saying this is what happened--just what one source revealed to The Daily Telegraph. So if Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns' spokesman, wants to sue me for this, he will have to also sue the newspaper from which I copied it.
The McCanns have also allegedly hampered the police investigations here and in Portugal by steadfastly refusing to answer certain and many questions--questions which on the surface seem very pertinent. Why? And why have their statements and those of their witnesses--particularly Jane Tanner--been so very inconsistent. One could imagine this happening to questions asked four years after the event, but these "blips" occurred within days and sometimes even hours after the little girl disappeared. Nothing will alter the fact that three children--just two, if Maddie was already dead--were neglected by their parents--an act for which no action has been taken. Were this a couple from a council estate in Barnsley or Hackney, would not Social Services have been involved?
This is a sad, sad affair. I for one believe that Madeleine McCann is dead. I believe this solely on the evidence of those tracker dogs. How and when she died, I cannot say but only summise. Whatever happened, the culpability rests solely with their parents for leaving them unattended.
I have an uneasy gut feeling on how this will all end. It is a feeling shared by many many people throughout the world, who like myself believe that there is allegedly much more to this case than a missing child. Again I dare not repeat this here--but I do wish with all my heart that I will be proved wrong.

Before slagging this guy off Abdul...check his work http://www.davidbret.co.uk/

Pat Brown has gone further and states in her kindle book (available at Amazon) that the McCanns daughter died in the apartment and they disposed of the body then, with government and UK media help have since conducted a cover up. She is willing to go on television in this country with her views but the media are not allowed to have anything anti McCann in their schedule.
Google her and tell me she's a nutjob Abdul!
You will know none of this as you only read UK tabloids.


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:53 pm

the key phrase in each of those statements were "I do not like this couple" and "in her view"

were either of them there and directly involved in the police investigation?

of course it is inconceivable that anyone would want to try to gain publicity off the back of a nutty conspiracy theory gone mad

Are the McCanns in danger? 616326


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:57 pm

Have a look what the leading detective in the inquiry has to say, then come back and tell me he's a nutjob too...I cannot discuss this with you until you learn something about the case...at the moment, you are just showing how easy it is to brainwash people who can't be arsed to do their own research



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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:58 pm

Pat Brown works on murder cases for the FBI incidentally.


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:01 pm

the leading investigator was taken off the case, discredited, not for the first time and with his drink problem had to stop being a policeman, beacause basically, he wasn't very clever

the other yank muppet - strange, you usually hate yanks, except ones who agree with this case maybe - is self publicising

you are proving you are easily brainwashed


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:02 pm

Abdul Kowalski wrote:the leading investigator was taken off the case, discredited, not for the first time and with his drink problem had to stop being a policeman, beacause basically, he wasn't very clever

the other yank muppet - strange, you usually hate yanks, except ones who agree with this case maybe - is self publicising

you are proving you are easily brainwashed




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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:05 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? 616326

Are the McCanns in danger? 882526


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:16 pm


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:18 pm


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:18 pm


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:32 pm


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:40 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? World-mental-day369


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:47 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? Dont-think


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:11 pm

and back to Radio Tony FM...

Are the McCanns in danger? Conspiracy


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:40 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? BrainWashed


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:46 pm

yes, you are Very Happy

Are the McCanns in danger? Conspiracy-1

Are the McCanns in danger? 882526


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:51 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? Polls_NotSheeple02_2747_64467_answer_2_xlarge

Are the McCanns in danger? 882526


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:56 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwiglGO4spyx63OCoT3oWQsVF_6fDhw8nCQxyK8g_bl28n4n8


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:57 pm

Are the McCanns in danger? 1254926027858


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Are the McCanns in danger? Empty Re: Are the McCanns in danger?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:09 pm

the defence rests it's case Very Happy

just another nutter, move along people, nothing to see here


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