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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:18 pm

what a despicable bunch of people these public sector workers are.

where were the unions when the Labour Gov removed to 10p tax rate , which hit the low paid who the majority works in the private sector?



You cunts with 20 weeks holiday a year are lucky to have a fucking pension.


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:27 pm

using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights This-k10


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:29 pm

get a fucking proper job abdul you skiving cunt!


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:42 pm

using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Dead_k10


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:22 pm

I feel bad for the hard working parents on low pay in the private sector, who not only have NO pensions , they have to either take a day off work tomorrow or find expensive child care!


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  NotBert Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:44 pm

Shame they aren't in a proper union who'll stand up against this sort of thing, you mean, Kit?

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  NotBert Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:48 pm

Kit wrote:I feel bad for the hard working parents on low pay in the private sector, who not only have NO pensions , they have to either take a day off work tomorrow or find expensive child care!

"At short notice", Kit? I have a minister who won't answer that argument. You see, the teachers have been effectively taking this strike for six weeks minimum. If you can't arrange childcare with six weeks notice, maybe you could leave them with a random paedophile that Michael Gove will sanction to keep schools open.

It's the kids who get fucked by the paedophile encouraged by this government that I feel sorry for.

I could work for a really shit newspaper if I tried, I really could. Or be a minister. Except I'd be too respected for that.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  NotBert Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:52 pm

Kit wrote:what a despicable bunch of people these public sector workers are.

where were the unions when the Labour Gov removed to 10p tax rate ,

They were telling them to fuck off, Kit. I don't understand the question. Are you saying they weren't? Because they were. Thing is, the rest of the cunting country wasn't.

You can't do it for 60m when you're only a small fraction. When they attack the small fraction alone, though, it's a fairer fight. There's only 650 cunts (I have the number slightly lower as there are a few I consider earn their corn) in Westminster.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:55 am

we simply can't keep shovelling coal into the public sector train.

private sector get none of the benefits the public sector gets, and as if that not enough of a kick in the face, public sector pay is on average £20 a week higher than private sector average wage.

these bloody people need to get into the real world


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  Guest Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:07 pm

Comparison of public sector pension pots.
MPs average £21,354 per year while health workers get £4,087


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using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights Empty Re: using children as a bargaining tool to leverage pension rights

Post  NotBert Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:53 pm

Kit wrote:we simply can't keep shovelling coal into the public sector train.

private sector get none of the benefits the public sector gets, and as if that not enough of a kick in the face, public sector pay is on average £20 a week higher than private sector average wage.

these bloody people need to get into the real world

In the height of the whatever they were calling it in Afghanistan, the civilian MoD who, like it or not, were in Afghanistan as soldiers also need admin and support staff found themselves in a dilemma.

It wasn't that they were worried about the bullets and the bombs, it was because when there was a budgetary increase in the minimum wage, they had to rush them (their entry level staff) emergency payments as otherwise, this line of defence, these faceless minions, were to suffer the ignominy of an illegal, sub-minimum wage in a fucking war zone.

I sincerely doubt the private sector are on £20 a week less than the legally sanctioned minimum. And you don't get more real world than working in a war zone.

If your figures are somehow correct, however, then more fool the private sector for not mobilising. In comparative jobs, I sincerely doubt that statistic. However, even if it were true, the rebound I'd give you is that privatisation in public sector services sold off for a pittance has left workers in the privatised arms suffering lower wages because their shortfall is going to shareholders. Morale is through the floor, turnover of staff is heightened, job satisfaction is nil. I personally wouldn't stand for that. The fact that the public sector will mobilise to protect those terms and conditions that it has had since the days of the Sainted Margaret does not mean that they should suffer the indolence of private sector workers who can't cut it in the same sphere. It isn't a competition to see who can be in the dirtiest rags.

I'll go one further - if the public sector is so fucking great, why isn't everyone in it? I'm not interested in the aptly-named race to the bottom because some poor fucker effectively owned by an American multinational is too fearful to sing for his supper. I've had the fortune to be close to a dispute site today and the most common remark you heard from passers-by is "it's about time this country got off its fucking knees". Francis Maude, incidentally, shit out of appearing on C4 news, it seems. Can't think why.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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