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this place seems very politically minded right now.

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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:12 pm

What a Face
this place seems very politically minded right now. 523193


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:16 pm

I dont give 2 fucks about polotics and what % has loads and what % has fuck all.
All i care about are the 4 people who live in my house.
I do ok through fuckin hard work and long may it continue.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:19 pm

i gave up on humanity a long time ago staggy.
and like you,
i work hard for what i have.

somebody has to mind the shop.
but they all want their wedge eh?

it's a bugger.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  NotBert Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:28 pm

The odd thing is, Eric, I might have a political opinion (all life is political one way or another) but I don't have politics. Party politics is the single biggest waste of fucking time in this country possibly bar none.

I used to always have some sneering cunt on Betfair, for example, telling me I was a leftie this and that.

Firstly, I hate the word "leftie" as a linguist. It's one of those tagwords that has a connotation that you fuck children or something. It's like "do-gooder" is used as an insult. It's a fucked up country that sees someone doing good as a source of petty abuse. It's an inaccurate insult that misrepresents me and does fuck all but make me show up the cunt for what he is.

Secondly, I'm not in the political framework they have. I don't respond to pigeon-holing because I'm not in it. I don't see a manifesto and wish to suck the cock of the author, for example. The irony and fatal flaw is that the person doing the pigeon-holing is like a chimp flinging shit - the fatal flaw being that they've judged me on their (lower) standards and not mine.

Thirdly, once someone has made some bullshit dickhead assertion about you, it's always then about the personal and not the substance. I have to argue an awful lot of stuff on and off the web and it fucks me off no end that no-one ever tells me I'm wrong, they just find themselves having to look for the exit or sticking to the personal insults.

I'm pretty confident that I'm disliked, but confident in the same that I am disliked by the people who I couldn't live with myself if I wasn't disliked by them. The people who matter to me like me.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:47 pm


i've always wondered about this "leftie" tag,
and "right of centre"? stuff.
whatever. scratch

i won't get involved with the heated debates,
because i know nothing about it.

is there a better way?
is there such a thing as a "free lunch"?

there is always a price to pay.
somebody HAS to make a profit.
obscene amounts profit unfortunately.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:24 pm

Bert.....you're a thoroughly decent man.
In today's society, you stand out like a diamond on a slag heap.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:27 pm

my thoughts exactly nobby.
and i bet he's crucified for it.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  NotBert Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:07 pm

erixter wrote:my thoughts exactly nobby.
and i bet he's crucified for it.

"A man more sinned against than sinning" as Shakespeare would have it. Laughing

You do the bit you have to do, I suppose. I've never been one for limelight or that but there are times you have to stand up and be counted. Fucking annoying to have to do it more often as the years go by, though.

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:33 pm

Bert....remember the time you started a thread on the old chit chat at Betfair years ago saying you were going out for a few hours and would anyone wanting to abuse you be kind enough to leave it in there and you'd deal with it all when you got back?

lol! lol! lol!


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  NotBert Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:55 pm

I do, Tone, and can remember laughing as I typed it.

"Leave it all on this thread and I'll deal with it when I get back". I was a cheeky fucker. The beauty of that was that there were people who'd have seethed at it, gone to reply, realised that I was taking the piss so they couldn't reply which fuelled the seething making them want to reply and their internalising, well, it did me no harm Laughing

There were times I played that forum like a fiddle. The number of times I just repeated the same post knowing I wouldn't get an answer so I could repeat it again to piss them off, fuck me, I could phone it in.

And you know what? I don't miss it one fucking bit.

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:02 pm

Nor do I.....I was hounded by wankers on the football forum.
They didn't like the fact that I had forgotten more about the game than they'd ever know.


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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

Post  NotBert Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:06 pm

I ducked the football forum completely except to watch the odd collapse when someone took a twatting. Couldn't deal with the sectarianism

Posts : 5739
Join date : 2011-06-13

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this place seems very politically minded right now. Empty Re: this place seems very politically minded right now.

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