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Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:47 pm

ABBESS - Brothel madam.
APE LEADER. An old maid; their punishment after death, for neglecting increase and multiply, will be, it is said, leading apes in hell.
ARBOR VITAE. A man's penis.
ATHANASIAN WENCH, or QUICUNQUE VULT. A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.
AUNT. Mine aunt; a bawd or procuress
BALLOCKS. The testicles of a man or beast; also a vulgar nickname for a parson. "His brains are in his ballocks" - a cant saying to designate a fool.
BARBER'S CHAIR. "She is as common as a barber's chair, in which a whole parish sit to be trimmed": said of a prostitute.
BAWBELS, or BAWBLES. Trinkets; a man's testicles.
BAWD. A female procuress.
BEAST WITH TWO BACKS. A man and woman in the act of copulation. Shakespeare in Othello.
BEDFORDSHIRE. I am for Bedfordshire, i.e. for going to bed.
BELLY PLEA. The plea of pregnancy, generally adduced by female felons capitally convicted, which they take care to provide for, previous to their trials; every gaol having, as the Beggar's Opera informs us, one or more child getters, who qualify the ladies for that expedient to procure a respite.
BITCH. A she dog, or doggess; the most offensive appellation that can be given to an English woman, even more provoking than that of whore, as may he gathered from the regular Billinsgate or St. Giles's answer--"I may be a whore, but can't be a bitch."
BITE. A cheat; also a woman's privities. The cull wapt the mort's bite; the fellow enjoyed the wench heartily. Cant.
BITER. A wench whose **** is ready to bite her a-se; a lascivious, rampant wench.
BLEACHED MORT. A fair-complexioned wench.
BLIND CUPID. The backside.
TO BLOW THE GROUNSILS. To lie with a woman on the floor. Cant.
A BLOWSE, or BLOWSABELLA. A woman whose hair is dishevelled, and hanging about her face; a slattern.
BLUE BOAR. A venereal bubo.
BOB TAIL. A lewd woman, or one that plays with her tail
BORDELLO. A bawdy house.
BREECHES BIBLE. An edition of the Bible printed in 1598, wherein it is said that Adam and Eve sewed figleaves together, and made themselves breeches.
BROTHER STARLING. One who lies with the same woman, that is, builds in the same nest.
BUBE. The venereal disease.
BUCK'S FACE. A cuckold.
BUNTER. A low dirty prostitute, half whore and half beggar.
BUNTLINGS. Petticoats.
BURNING SHAME. A lighted candle stuck into the parts of a woman, certainly not intended by nature for a candlestick.
BURNER. A clap. The blowen tipped the swell a burner; the girl gave the gentleman a clap.
BURNT. Poxed or clapped. He was sent out a sacrifice, and came home a burnt offering; a saying of seamen who have caught the venereal disease abroad. He has burnt his fingers; he has suffered by meddling.
BUSHEL BUBBY. A full breasted woman.
BUTTERED BUN. One lying with a woman that has just lain with another man, is said to have a buttered bun.
BUTTOCK. A whore
CAB. A brothel. Mother: how many tails have you in your cab? how many girls have you in your bawdy house?
CAMBRIDGE FORTUNE. A wind-mill and a water-mill, used to signify a woman without any but personal endowments.
CAPON. A castrated cock, also an eunuch.
CASE VROW. A prostitute attached to a particular bawdy house.
CAT OF NINE TAILS. A scourge composed of nine strings of whip-cord, each string having nine knots. Normally a form of capital punishment, but oh, those naughty Victorians!
CHEEKS. Ask cheeks near cunnyborough; the repartee of a St. Gilse's fair one, who bids you ask her backside.
CHICKEN-BREASTED. Said of a woman with scarce any breasts.
CHIT. An infant or baby.
CLEAVER. One that will cleave; used of a forward or wanton woman
COCK ALLEY or COCK LANE. A woman's vagina
COCKISH. Wanton, forward. A cockish wench; a forward girl
COFFEE HOUSE. A necessary house. To make a coffee-house of a woman's ****; to go in and out and spend nothing.
COOLER. The backside. Kiss my cooler.
COMMODITY. A woman's commodity; the private parts of a modest woman, and the public parts of a prostitute.
CONVENIENT. A mistress.
CORINTHIANS: Frequenters of brothels. Also an impudent, brazen-faced fellow, perhaps from the Corinthian brass.
CORPORAL. To mount a corporal and four; to be guilty of onanism: the thumb is the corporal, the four fingers the privates.
COVEY. A collection of whores. What a fine covey here is, if the Devil would but throw his net!
CRINKUM CRANKUM. A woman's commodity.
CRINKUMS. The foul or venereal disease.
DAB - "To dab it up with --- " means to engage in carnal acts with ---
DAIRY. A woman's breasts, particularly one that gives suck. She sported her dairy; she pulled out her breast.
DARK CULLY. A married man that keeps a mistress, whom he visits only at night, for fear of discovery.
DICKY. A woman's under-petticoat
DIDDEYS. A woman's breasts or bubbies.
DIRTY PUZZLE. A nasty slut
TO DOCK. To lie with a woman. The cull docked the dell all the darkmans; the fellow laid with the wench all night. Docked smack smooth; one who has suffered an amputation of his penis from a venereal complaint.
DOG'S RIG. To copulate till you are tired, and then turn tail to it.
DOUBLE JUGG. A man's backside.
DUGS. A woman's breasts
DUMB GLUTTON. A woman's privities.
DUTCHESS. A woman enjoyed with her pattens on, or by a man-in boots, is said to be made a dutchess.
FIRE SHIP. A wench who has the venereal disease
FLAP DRAGON. A clap, or pox.
FRENCH DISEASE. The venereal disease, said to have been imported from France. French gout; the same. He suffered by a blow over the snout with a French faggot-stick; i.e. he lost his nose by the pox.
FRUITFUL VINE. A woman's vagina/womb, i.e. that has FLOWERS every month, and bears fruit in nine months.
GIBLETS. To join giblets; said of a man and woman who cohabit as husband and wife, without being married; also to copulate.
GINGAMBOBS. Toys, bawbles; also a man's privities. See THINGAMBOBS.
GOAT. A lascivious person. Goats jigg; making the beast with two backs, copulation.
GREEN GOWN. To give a girl a green gown; to tumble her on the grass.
GREEN SICKNESS. The disease of maids occasioned by celibacy.
TO GRIND. To have carnal knowledge of a woman.
GUTTER LANE. The throat, the swallow, the red lane. See RED LANE.
HAT. Old hat; a woman's privities: because frequently felt.
HEDGE WHORE. An itinerant harlot, who bilks the bagnios and bawdy-houses, by disposing of her favours on the wayside, under a hedge; a low beggarly prostitute.
HORSE BUSS. A kiss with a loud smack
ILTED. Rejected by a woman who has encouraged one's advances.
INDORSER. A sodomite. To indorse with a cudgel; to drub or beat a man over the back with a stick, to lay CANE upon Abel.
KETTLEDRUMS. Cupid's kettle drums; a woman's breasts, called by sailors chest and bedding.
KNOCK. To knock a woman; to have carnal knowledge of her.
LACED MUTTON. A prostitute
LAYCOCK (MISS OR LADY). Female sexual organs.
TO LEAK. To make water
LEFT-HANDED WIFE. A concubine; an allusion to an ancient German custom, according to which, when a man married his concubine, or a woman greatly his inferior, he gave her his left hand.
To LINE. A term for the act of coition between dog and bitch.
LOBCOCK. A large relaxed penis
LOCK HOSPITAL. An hospital for venereal patients
LOLL TONGUE. He has been playing a game at loll tongue; he has been salivated.
MADGE. A woman's quim
MANDRAKE - Male homosexual.
MELTING MOMENTS. A fat man and woman in amorous congress
MERKIN. Counterfeit hair for women's muffs.
METTLE. Semen. To fetch mettle; the act of onanism, or self pollution.
MONEY. A girl's private parts, commonly applied to little children: as, Take care, Miss, or you will shew your money. Now, the only reason we're referring to children's private parts in a guide to sexy Victorian slang is because it's rather telling that a girl's ladybits should be referred to in a way that suggests keeping her legs open is where her fortune lies. Then again, perhaps money is to be hoarded to make a man rich, so the term is encouraging abstinence? An interesting quandary for all Mookychicks to ponder...
MUFF. The private parts of a woman. To the well wearing of your muff, mort; to the happy consummation of your marriage, girl; a health.
NANCY. Buttocks.
NEB, or NIB. The bill of a bird, and the slit of a pen. Figuratively, the face and mouth of a woman; as, She holds up her neb: she holds up her mouth to be kissed.
NEBUCHANDNEZZAR. Male sexual organs; "to put Nebuchadnezzar out to grass" means to engage in sexual intercourse.
NIMGIMMER. A physician or surgeon, particularly those who cure the venereal disease.
NOTCH. The private parts of a woman.
NUG. An endearing word: as, My dear nug; my dear love.
OCCUPY. To occupy a woman; to have carnal knowledge of her.
PIG. Sixpence, a sow's baby. Pig-widgeon; a simpleton. To pig together; to lie or sleep together, two or more in a bed. Although this is actually lying together platonically, no sex involved - two sisters in the same bed, say, or two maids forced to share a bed in cramped conditions in their master's house.
PINCHCOCK. Prostitute.
PISS-PROUD. Having a false erection. That old fellow thought he had an erection, but his--was only piss- proud; said of any old fellow who marries a young wife.
PISSING PINS AND NEEDLES. To have a gonorrhea.
PLUG TAIL. A man's penis.
PRIGGING. Riding; also lying with a woman.
PRIGSTAR. A rival in love.
QUAIL-PIPE. A woman's tongue
QUIM. The private parts of a woman: perhaps from the Spanish quemar, to burn.
RANTALLION. One whose scrotum is so relaxed as to be longer than his penis, i.e. whose shot pouch is longer that the barrel of his piece.
RANTIPOLE. A rude romping boy or girl; also a gadabout dissipated woman. To ride rantipole
RELISH. Carnal connection with a woman
TO ROGER. To bull, or lie with a woman; from the name of Roger being frequently given to a bull.
ROUND MOUTH. The fundament. Brother round mouth, speaks; he has let a fart.
SHANKER. A venereal wart
STRIP ME NAKED. Gin. Gin-palaces clearly had something to do with people getting naked, then!
SWEET HEART. A term applicable to either the masculine or feminine gender, signifying a girl's lover, or a man's mistress: derived from a sweet cake in the shape of a heart.
TACKLE. A mistress; also good clothes. The cull has tipt his tackle rum gigging; the fellow has given his mistress good clothes. A man's tackle: the genitals.
TALLYWAGS, or TARRYWAGS. A man's testicles.
THOMAS. Man Thomas; a man's penis.
THREE-PENNY UPRIGHT. A retailer of love, who, for the sum mentioned, dispenses her favours standing against a wall.
TOFFER. A superior whore.
TOKEN. The plague: also the venereal disease. She tipped him the token; she gave him a clap or pox.
TOM. Tomboyish lesbian.
TOOLS. The private parts of a man.
TOP DIVER. A lover of women. An old top diver; one who has loved old hat (muff) in his time.
TOSS OFF. Manual pollution.
TROLLOP. A lusty coarse sluttish woman.
TO TUP. To have carnal knowledge of a woman.
VELVET. To tip the velvet; to put one's tongue into a woman's mouth.
VENUS'S CURSE. The venereal disease.
UNFORTUNATE WOMEN. Prostitutes: so termed by the virtuous and compassionate of their own sex.
UNRIGGED. Undressed, or stripped. Unrig the drab; strip the wench.
WAGTAIL. A lewd woman
TO WAP. To copulate, to beat. If she wont wap for a winne, let her trine for a make; if she won't lie with a man for a penny, let her hang for a halfpenny.
WAP-APACE - An expert at wapping. A very saucy lady indeed.
WASP. An infected prostitute, who like a wasp carries a sting in her tail.
WHIFFLES. A relaxation of the scrotum.
WHIRLYGIGS. Testicles.
WHITHER-GO-YE. A wife: wives being sometimes apt to question their husbands whither they are going.
WHORE PIPE. The penis.
WIFE IN WATER COLOURS. A mistress, or concubine; water colours being, like their engagements, easily effaced, or dissolved.
WINDWARD PASSAGE. One who uses or navigates the windward passage; a sodomite.
WOLF IN THE BREAST. An extraordinary mode of imposition, sometimes practised in the country by strolling women, who have the knack of counterfeiting extreme pain, pretending to have a small animal called a wolf in their breasts, which is continually gnawing them.


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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Re: Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  bitofatwat Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:47 pm

i think i might change my username to LOBCOCK cheers

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Age : 62
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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Re: Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:11 am

bitofatwat wrote:i think i might change my username to LOBCOCK cheers



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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Re: Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:13 am

Change mine to FLAP DRAGON


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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Re: Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  bitofatwat Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:38 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:Change mine to FLAP DRAGON

affraid affraid

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Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 62
Location : twatsville Barnsley

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Full dictionary of  Victorian sex  slang Empty Re: Full dictionary of Victorian sex slang

Post  Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:48 pm



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