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101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow

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101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow Empty 101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow

Post  Guest Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:26 pm

(1) Turn the telly over. What a pile of shit


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101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow Empty Re: 101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow

Post  Guest Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:28 pm

evening gents.


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101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow Empty Re: 101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow

Post  Guest Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:15 pm

Evening Eric. There might be a ghoulish concept within that show that might work except it's so fucking slow. It's like ITV's desire to leave anything up to a minute of dead air while Simon Cowell, Ant or Dec or Chris Tarrant fart around. They forget that game shows are about people wanting to see prizes won, not be teased like a bank executive with a dominatrix.

If I wanted the latter (and I don't, nor will I ever), I'd pay to be teased by a dominatrix. At least I'd get my knackers felt. But I don't want that, I have no interest in paying someone to whip me for money or make me clean her flat. I want to be entertained and that might be entertainment for a minority of people but the concept does absolutely fuck all for me.

Put it on after midnight if you want to torture people with some sort of delayed gratification thing but I don't go in for that, I'm certainly not going to pay for it even if I did and sort your fucking selves out because you're misappropriating the 30p licence fee I paid today.


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101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow Empty Re: 101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow

Post  morning_glory Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:44 am

I've given up on saturday night telly.though I am watching a rather good film on CH 4 at the mo called Funny Games.

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