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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:14 am

i sat and read the saturday essay at stupid o'clock this morning.
that thing,the reason for my conversion to mail readership,can be so thought proviking.

that mp who caused outrage by suggesting that the cuts in benefits would merely prompt the the working classes to breed more.and that statistics bear that out.
i can see where he's coming from,but.............

there's a saying in sociology that "there are lies,damned lies,and statistics".
if you look hard enough,long enough,and know where to look,you will find stats to support many unreasonable and absurd claims.

you all know me,and are familiar with my work-situation.
i consider myself working class.
no more,no less.
and i do NOT claim benefits,of any sort.
in fact,i am reliably informed,i could claim a good portion of gluten-free foods,by prescription,from my doctor.
i don't.

i would suggest that the class system needs an overhaul.

years of benefit reliance have spawned a new class,of the stupid and the ignorant.

i'll call them the "STIGNORANT CLASS".

the can't works/don't wanna works,
don't all hail from working class backgrounds.
and i wonder just how many come from middle class backgrounds.

those brought up to enjoy the finer things in life,but lacked physical and/or mental fortitude,
or the brain-power to earn those things.
stepping down to working class status,and benefits would be an easy option.
the opposite to social climbing.

and then there's THE EDUCATION SYSTEM:
all that dumbing-down bollux.
you make it possible for more people to gain a qualification that isn't worth the paper that it's printed on.

the exams that students sit should be stern enough to set the education system an almost impossible task to fill all available university places.
these places need to go to the absolute best of the best.
why can't anyone see that? Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad

and the "un-affordability of the nhs":
there's another one.
cut out the time-wasters,
and the health-care tourism.
there might even be a few quid left over for the oap's.

how can it be that being on benefits pays more than working?
how wrong is that?
also,i think workers rights have gone too far.

re:"never had it so good".

i think we've had it TOO good,for TOO long.
and that here and now, is a reality-check.
get real people ffs.

the "free lunches" have to stop.

and y'know what really worries me?

the stupid,and the ignorant,WILL by definition proliferate,and they all get to vote.
we're living in a democracy don't ya know?

i think too much. Embarassed


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:50 am

completely agree eric and i know someone who used to earn 50k at goldman sachs but is now content to pick up 90 a week, have his mortgage and bills paid and nick a few quid more on ebay, because he is stressed - he even tells us how he gets round the doctors visits

i could go on for ever but what's the point, it's broke eric and i don't think it can be fixed now


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:14 am

"Workers' rights have gone too far", Eric? Not in this country, I'm afraid.

I love the comparator that says that someone who sits around, does fuck all, puts no work into the common pot should not receive any sort of remuneration.

Isn't that the description of a shareholder?


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:38 pm

sorry bert,
but i work hard for what i got,
wich ain' a lot.
it peeves me that others won't work.

you cannot imagine how it feels to have spawned one.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:07 pm

That's what I mean about shareholders, though, Eric. Sit there, do fuck all, get paid. There's a difference between subsistence benefits and simply creaming off the work of the hardworking while fucking them over in terms of stripping their rights with the other hand.

24 of the 29 cabinet members are millionaires. How can they even consider themselves as suitable to tell the paupers in their paper suits how to behave?


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:49 pm

i don't own shares in anything,or anyone.
but those share-holders in their paper suits.
effectively play big,
win big,
and take the cream.

those same share-holders,
also go down with the ship,
if/as/and when.

i resent the fact that pro-gamblers are refered to as the something for nothing club.

like share-holders,
they do their homework,
do their dough,
and winner takes all.

and i'm not saying that everybody should kill themselves in sweatshops,
or spend their nights as i do.
but ffs,
get off your arse,and do something i say.
and yes,make a contribution.
if you're fit and able.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:07 pm

Eric, a shareholder in a water company doesn't have to do his homework. The same applies to electricity, gas and otherwise.

Someone who buys shares in the anticipation of profit could just work instead. Not only that, but the issue is of dividend - you get something for fuck all year in year out and to maximise that, companies will sell their staff down the shitter for any reason including safety. In short, they'll see people starve and die as long as their balance sheet isn't affected.

The top three, I used to have shares in them. Then that fucking cunt in the 80s sold them on me without my permission. Now a Spanish/French/German company takes their profits. They don't stay in our economy. Every time you turn on a tap, that money drains out of the UK when it didn't before. We own fuck all, we have fuck all and what little revenue we can generate as a country is therefore down to taxation. Tax (although not overall taxation) has dropped progressively since the 70s, no wonder we're fucked.

"The private sector will bail us out" says big fod. How does that work, then? Someone else will deal with what is a fucking governmental problem? Step up, you lazy cunt and do the job yourself. He witters on about immigration but 25% of private sector employers intend to use foreign labour over the next twelve months. Hang on, are these the jobs that are going to bail out your own citizens?

None of it adds up, Eric, but your work is worth more than what you are paid. Some fucking shareholder takes the surplus. Your taxes pay for the state including pensions, benefits et al. I don't see why the former gets the gravy and the latter gets the blame.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:12 pm

life eh?


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:34 pm

erixter wrote:life eh?

ruined by cunts, surrounded by cunts.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  morning_glory Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:46 pm

When I was young very FEW people wernt working,these were the ones who were workshy or had something wrong with them.Thatcher's infinite wisdom decided to make the working class expendable.No such thing as society, communities were smashed and the pride that went with it.So not having a job became the 'norm'.another generation on and we have agency work that rule, and we have to compete with Europeans who have degrees for our houses and jobs.

The white working class for a long time have been treated like shit, unions broken and now university fees through the roof.That was Labours biggest mistake in the first place, charging tution fees.

Its no fun living on benefits especially in private rented accomodation as Ive known in the past.Those who live on the edge as it were, claim JSA and do a bit of this and that to make ends meet, is not for everyone.

I hate those without a clue say the ordinary people shouldnt do this and shouldnt do that.When they don't give them a choice or a leg up.A little luck goes a long way.

Posts : 3021
Join date : 2010-04-17

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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:26 pm

On current showing, MG, I reckon it only needs one tipping point and the entire public sector will find itself united (no pun intended) and it will walk out.

It fucks me off no end when the likes of Willie Walsh and Boris Johnson turn out and say "I don't know why they're going on strike, it won't have any effect". Then why don't you just fucking shut up, then? Sit tight, do nothing, let it peter out?

Because you're a fucking liar and you're seemingly appealing to the blue-rinse cunts who aren't your staff. Now THAT'S fucking stupid. "They disrupted my holiday" - what a fucking blow that must be. Have a word with Willie Walsh, you apparently shouldn't have been affected. The response - "BA are trying to ruin my livelihood and career. You're complaining about not sitting on a fucking beach in Antigua." sort of overtrumps that.

When Royal Mail go out, managers make noises about manning the vans and how deliveries still took place. Who manned the spreadsheets back in the office, cuntchops? No-one, because they weren't needed. You need the van driver but your job can wait? Suggest your job might actually be unnecessary.

Boris Johnson wants changes to the law surrounding strikes (we're in a country where we're worse off than just about all of Europe in terms of this already, you fucking Yank gobshite) regarding ballot turnout. Really? I thought the strikes were pointless, Boris? Doesn't matter whether one person votes, you put up with it. Given that 35% of the country didn't vote at the last general election, even if the Bastard Coalition had joined forces before the election and not after to hoodwink their voters and lie to us all, between them they muster 38.46% of the country's vote.

Not a mandate to govern if Boris is going to tamper with organisations that aren't his concern.

The problem is we are run by dickheads for dickheads and when anything meaningful comes up, they either ignore it, don't answer the question or just lie. Vince Cable says "we signed up to this so we can't follow through our pledge".

(i) That is "we lied", Vince. All the rst is window dressing.
(ii) You don't have a responsibility to some intangible pact. You have a responsibility to ever fucker who put an X next to the chinless bastard who stood in your name as an alternative or protest. And you welched.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:39 pm

look what you've started now eric Surprised


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  morning_glory Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:37 pm

yes Abdul.Vive le Revolutione !!!!! Twisted Evil

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Join date : 2010-04-17

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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:20 am

Abdul Kowalski wrote:look what you've started now eric Surprised

and i'm sorry.

i'm no expert on political history,
or sociology.

and i'm not qualified to preach on such matters.
who is?

i can only speak as i find.

there IS so much inequality,and unfairness,
in our society,
fuck society btw.

wish i could abstain from all of it.
it's an absolute toilet.

but unless we are prepared to challenge the foriegn influx,
in the work place,
it's over for us.


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:43 am



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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:17 am

we challenged the foreign influx last night eric, couple of frenchies in the local boozer - we advised them not to drink with english people as they can't handle it and reminded them of agincourt - they took it well


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:35 am



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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  morning_glory Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:20 pm

eric, we cant chat normal on the other site like this.it all descends into name calling, so it makes a nice change. Very Happy

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Join date : 2010-04-17

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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:48 pm

I reckon MG might have me as her love albatross if I keep posting like that before


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  morning_glory Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:50 pm

when I think of an Albatross I think of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
Ive just looked it up in the urban dictionary and mon dieu !! Shocked

Posts : 3021
Join date : 2010-04-17

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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:16 am

morning_glory wrote:when I think of an Albatross I think of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
Ive just looked it up in the urban dictionary and mon dieu !! Shocked

The reference is spot on as to where I heard it first. Call me Razz


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fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie. Empty Re: fuckin daily mail,aka sunday rant,it's a biggie.

Post  Guest Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:24 pm

morning_glory wrote:eric, we cant chat normal on the other site like this.it all descends into name calling, so it makes a nice change. Very Happy

i sort of felt awkward after some of the replies.

but it's like,,,
i got so many issues with this shit.

we all want top wages,
to the extent that we price ourselves out of the market place,
then because of that,
we all buy foreign imports cos they're cheaper,
and better quality anyway.
because in my experience,
the british worker doesn't care about the standard of what he produces.

if the foreigner is happy to work for less,
is willing to work hard,
and ( generally speaking ) does a good job,
how do you compete with that?


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