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This country is vile

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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:36 pm

(i) Bloke in centre shot has a BIG face
(ii) Lass on left has a pained expression because that's not water but in fact the same grinning bloke's entire life's worth of jizz exploding over her and she's having tea with the vicar in twenty minutes... where she can expect more of the same.


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:41 pm

Bert wrote:(i) Bloke in centre shot has a BIG face
(ii) Lass on left has a pained expression because that's not water but in fact the same grinning bloke's entire life's worth of jizz exploding over her and she's having tea with the vicar in twenty minutes... where she can expect more of the same.

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:40 am

Roman Abramovich has added £400million to his wealth in a year, making his fortune a staggering £7,400million.
The Russian entrepreneur, the owner of Chelsea FC, maintained his position at second on the Sunday Times Rich List, while London-based steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal claimed this year's rich list top spot.
It is the sixth year Mr Mittal has topped the list, seeing his fortune double from £10,800million in 2009 to £22,450million following the recovery in the global steel industry.
The new figures show the fortunes of the UK's super-rich have staged a remarkable recovery in the last 12 months in the wake of the economic crisis.
In just a year, the collective wealth of Britain's 1,000 richest people increased by 30 per cent, the Sunday Times Rich List said.
Their combined wealth rose by more than £77billion since 2009 to £333.5billion, the biggest annual rise in the list's 22-year history.
The number of billionaires rose by 10 from last year to 53.

Meanwhile, back at the job centre....



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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:12 pm

Being a non-football fan I think their wages are fucking scandalous.

But if people want to pay X-amount to watch a match, it's their choice.

As you can imgaine, I've worked with a lot of Hammers fans over the years, and one of them cracked me up about 8 years ago. He told me at work that the fans were going to protest over costs before the match. I had to drive to Manor Park that night from Plaistow, which meant going near the ground to dodge the back streets.

When I got into work the next day I said that there was no sign of any heavy traffic or demonstrations.

He said ' We protested inside the ground'.

So he paid to go in, then protested about costs.



Mind you, he was a 100% Hammers fanatic. Where we worked he only agreed to take the job if he was put on permanent 6-00 a.m. to 2-00 p.m. shift, so he'd never miss a match.

In the closed season he'd work any hours I asked him.


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  NotBert Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:40 pm

Student with stoma accused by Wetherspoons staff of taking drugs

A student who was accused of taking drugs while using a disabled toilet at a Wetherspoons pub is calling for better awareness of invisible disabilities.

Amber Davies, 21, from Builth Wells, has a stoma after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis aged 13.  

UC, for those who don't know, is the close relation of Crohn's, which affects solely the large bowel.  Management is quite similar, there is no cure but a colectomy is a likely option far earlier because it is more confined - end colon only - and there is actually scope for refashioning in some cases (the J-pouch).  A colectomy at thirteen in this century is clearly a severe case

While on a night out in Birmingham, she was "grabbed" by a bouncer after coming out of the disabled toilet.

"Grabbed" I have no doubt is a quote and not a suggested allegation that may not have happened.

Wetherspoons said staff apologised for the "confusing situation".

Who created that, then?  The woman who's been managing up to a hundred times a week for eight years with as little fuss as she can muster, or heavy handed door staff at Wetherspoon's?  No confusion for Amber, she's a frequent flyer.  Might be confusing if you've gone in with both feet and realised you've seriously fucked up and need a word to try and get you out of it.  'Confusing', a damage limitation term

Amber posted an open letter on her Instagram account detailing her experience, saying the door staff "very happily and very openly accused me of snorting, dealing and having sex in the disabled toilet for 'there is no other reason I would need to visit it so often'".

Using, selling and fucking?  Someone doesn't seem confused at all.  That's a trifecta of allegations and made by someone who has been watching for some considerable time.  Except she'll have been going alone and at zero notice often; I doubt she'll have been flogging to the no-one who went in with her; and so by extension, masturbating as well.  Someone saw a slender/slight woman they could pick off and was going to use that badge privilege - there's your 'happily' and 'openly'.  If you were watching her that long, how was she getting in?  Maybe she has a key and a disability that makes it necessary?  I'd call that an 'other reason' you ignorant fucking cunts

"I got grabbed by a female bouncer and my boyfriend by a male bouncer, we were accused of using them [the disabled toilet] for the wrong reasons," Amber told the BBC.

A concerted attack, then.  Clearly arranged and agreed.  Two heads, no thought, apart from the 'divide and conquer', goal in sight.  I wouldn't say it's an accusation as an accusation warrants a response and explanation

"She [the bouncer] was quite reluctant to listen to my side of the story, I said it bluntly and I didn't raise my voice once."

"Reluctant" is quite forgiving of Amber.  She's 'refusing', she's in for the kill, she's caught a druggeeeeee

Despite gaining access to the locked disabled toilet using a radar key, staff "kept shouting" and her boyfriend, who had gone in the toilet with her, was taken outside.

'Divide and conquer' and cornering her in a confined space.  I'd have gone guerrilla here and opened the bag - she'll know how to manage but the door twats will, ironically, shit themselves.

"I was upset at the time, we hadn't done anything wrong, I spoke well considering. I was more annoyed that people were allowed to behave that way," she added.

She of course stillhasn't done anything wrong.  Wetherspoon's have, however, been watching her for some considerable time and diarising her movements (none intended); they are aware of her movements (ditto) and who with and they are not congruent with the actions of a drug dealer.  I sincerely doubt there's any way on earth her actions would mirror sexual activity given frequency, lack of partners and how she nicks off at no notice.  Wetherspoon's have fucked up and not only that, will have known they fucked up early on, started slinging mud and carried on when they can't win or even salvage an honourable draw

"[It's] just completely unacceptable and they're such a big chain, you'd think they'd have training or be knowledgeable before grabbing us."

Bang on.  Given the time that must have passed to evaluate this, even if the scenario was what they ridiculously claimed, they could have isolated the situation with polite enquiries, questions and explanations from the 'dealers' and other customers around them where, with no suitable response, they bring in police or eject them.  There's clearly no disruption or situation until the clodhoppers come in, then they create one.  They're there to prevent or defuse issues,not create them

Amber, who is about to start her third year at Cardiff University, said she had come to expect "funny looks" but not the kind of treatment she received at the Dragon Inn in Birmingham.

Amazing how non-disableds turn into SJWs when they think someone "isn't disabled enough".  We all have a story or two hundred

In her post she said her stoma "needs constant care" and can be emptied up to 15 times a day, "it can make going out, especially on nights out, a pretty daunting prospect".

Story to follow

The 21-year-old described her disability as a "chronic, debilitating, lifelong illness".

...physically, while mentally you have to deal with another kind of shit all the time

She contacted the chain to complain about her treatment and has been offered a gift card in response.

And a pat on the head as well?  Patronising fucking cunts

A JD Wetherspoon spokesman said: "A female member of door staff spoke with Ms Davies, who explained her disability.

HEY, PR - REMEMBER, keep it factual.  If you have to be vague, be vague.  Admit nothing, we'll try and spin it.

"Staff expressed that if this had been known beforehand, or an explanation given sooner, the situation could have been avoided.

Staff can fuck off.  It's none of your business, just as she doesn't have to walk into every cunting retail outlet in the world and say "I'll have a packet of softmints and I have a stoma", you fucking mad cunts.  You are now trying to blame her for being disabled, you horrible fucking twats.  The situation could have been avoided by politely asking if you had concerns and then fucking off with your tail between your legs if you do it wrong.  Your personal disability is your problem.  Wetherspoon's fucking attitude is Wetherspoon's problem, don't fucking dare project your failings on to vulnerable people because you don't know how to deal with vulnerable people.

"Staff listened at length to Ms Davies' points, never once questioning her disability and apologised for the confusing situation on both sides."

Spin continued.  "Listened"?  Not at all well, it appears.  "Not questioning a disability"?  DO YOU WANT A COOKIE?  You have no grounds to, she has a fucking hole in her stomach with a bag hanging off it that was filling with shit as you 'spoke' - hard to argue with a visible fact in real time.  As for apologising for the confusing situation on both sides, you don't speak for her side and you never will

I had a mate have the same thing happen to him in the Big House in town - emptying his bag in a cubicle (interestingly, a Crohnie when I was still a non-Crohnie), the door burst open and two bouncers came in, saw what he was doing, stopped, apologised and backed out.  They'd been tipped off, it seems (in prep he'd gone into the toilet with a new clip/sterile bag hanging from his mouth - at a glance it looks like a smoke in a baggie) and explained it to him when he was done.  He was hugely shaken by what was a fairly well-handled misunderstanding but he wouldn't go to town for years afterwards.

This was over twenty-five years ago and actually before there was legislation in place to stop this.  Seems advances aren't happening

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:19 pm

Diabolical........Last time Wetherspoons get a penny off me.
The owner's a cunting Brexit fanatic too.


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:20 pm

Guest wrote:(i) Bloke in centre shot has a BIG face
(ii) Lass on left has a pained expression because that's not water but in fact the same grinning bloke's entire life's worth of jizz exploding over her and she's having tea with the vicar in twenty minutes... where she can expect more of the same.

By the way.....this has just made me laugh so much I have popped my hernia out again.
lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  NotBert Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:20 pm


I don't know what people think of Banksy's work, but I like it. There's a performance aspect to it and an accessibility to all that appeals, and it's invariably clever stuff without being twee shit.

Painting a fucking dickhead heart and the word 'wankers' (I assume) doesn't really compare, and actually stealing the "fallen" flowers off the sign is equally cuntish (that was done earlier and separately). Vandals also tore down perspex that had been put up pro tem to preserve it as a fucking big storm was coming.

This cuntry (sic) is full of fucking philistines. Imagine the Louvre

"The Mona Lisa. Leonardo's portrait demonstrating an understanding of perspective hitherto unseen, an image that would change art forever, embraced by other Renaissance greats and the archetype of the era..."
"Claro" (Spain)
"Merveille" (France)
"Sehr güt (Germany)
"Must... draw... moustache and glasses" (Fucking inbred yokel cunt)

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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  Guest Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:44 pm

Funny Bert, but nothing will ever top this:

(i) Bloke in centre shot has a BIG face
(ii) Lass on left has a pained expression because that's not water but in fact the same grinning bloke's entire life's worth of jizz exploding over her and she's having tea with the vicar in twenty minutes... where she can expect more of the same.

I still laugh my tits off every time I remember it.
This country is vile - Page 2 189864


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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  NotBert Sat Feb 15, 2020 11:05 pm

Tone, I've just been tickled by the sentence that ends "you fucking mad cunts" in the Wetherspoons-are-twats post

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This country is vile - Page 2 Empty Re: This country is vile

Post  NotBert Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:00 pm



Where did the related threads go?

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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