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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:17 pm

good to see his legal team concentrating on technicalities and legal loopholes rather than trying to defend the charges, at least they're not going over the top by suggesting sweden would deport him to guantanamo bay and america would then execute him Neutral

one only has to look at pictures of that other well know aussie sex beast - quinten 'the rapist' hann - to see that they are the same person with different hairdos

guilty as charged, ship the fucker out now Very Happy


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:20 pm

Oz population - 20m

Apparent sex beast count - 2 - Hann and the Scottish bloke who was deported back to the UK because they didn't want him any more.

Don't want to sound cheeky, but this country (given our experiences of a lesser, twenty-odd user forum) has nothing to crow about in terms of sex cases, Abdul


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:27 pm

The charges are trumped up Bert and Sweden WOULD hand him over to the cunting Yanks.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  bitofatwat Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:31 pm

Was it because he did it up her turd cutter ?

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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:57 pm

In leaked police documents that emerged this week on the Internet, the Swedish woman accusing Assange of rape woke up as he was having sex with her, but let him continue even though she knew he wasn't wearing a condom.
She says she insisted that Assange wear a condom when they had sex in her apartment in the Swedish city of Enkoping on Aug. 16, and that he reluctantly agreed. The incident labeled as rape happened the next morning, when the woman claims she was woken up by Assange having unprotected sex with her.
"She immediately asked: 'Are you wearing anything?' and he answered 'You,'" according to a police summary of her deposition. "She said to him 'You better don't have HIV' and he answered 'Of course not.' She felt it was too late. He was already inside her and she let him continue."

Rolling Eyes


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:01 pm

And don't forget that the Stockholm prosecutor threw out the rape case altogether.
Then the cunting Yanks got rattled by wikileaks and started leaning on people.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:06 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:"She immediately asked: 'Are you wearing anything?' and he answered 'You,'"

What, did he fuck her with the script from an episode of Skins? Only a 16-year-old would use that line or indeed believe that line was used. "Fuck off you smug, cheesy, dirty cunt" would be the reply of any woman of majority in the same situation.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:13 pm

woke up as he was having sex with her

is that east london consent then - wait till they're unconscious?

you smooth talking bastard Very Happy


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:16 pm

Abdul Kowalski wrote:
woke up as he was having sex with her

is that east london consent then - wait till they're unconscious?

you smooth talking bastard Very Happy

lol! lol! lol! lol!


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:22 am

I reckon the charges stink of being manufactured.
Thing is, this J.Assange chap has pissed off the yanks so much that if it wasn't a rape charge then it would have been something else.
Perhaps they went down the rape line as an attempt to discredit him but it has backfired in my opinion because he has only gained more support through having the charge slapped on him.
Whether he is guilty or not is something that only himself and the two chicks will know for sure.



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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:29 am

Question.....how many people in the history of the planet earth have been extradited over a broken condom?
I just wish the Koreans would unleash a stream of nukes on the cunting yanks one night....and Sweden.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:32 am

Tony: I remember when the rape accusation came out and thinking to myself that J.Assange was more than a bit naive to find himself in a hotel room with two females shortly after the release of the latest set of leaks were published. It stinks of a stitch up but also of him not really being careful enough in more ways than one. Very Happy



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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:50 am

Julian is my hero.
As is the boy Foster:


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:55 am

Nobby Cheese wrote:Julian is my hero.
As is the boy Foster:

I have a lot of respect for J.Assange.
Just think he was a bit daft to put himself in a situation where he could be so easily stitched up, if that is the case.
It's akin to those sports stars who sleep with some bird and the next day it is either a rape accusation or a call to Max Clifford to sell the kiss and tell story.



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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:24 pm

It's the mentality of putting bricks on the ground with a hat on top, though, PP. As Tony says, eventually, enough bricks and hats and someone will kick it.

They just keep trying with different hats and different bricks if you don't


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:02 am

Bert wrote:It's the mentality of putting bricks on the ground with a hat on top, though, PP. As Tony says, eventually, enough bricks and hats and someone will kick it.

They just keep trying with different hats and different bricks if you don't

Just briefly read this whilst flicking through the internet news sites.


I reckon he will 'get off' the charge but that will then beg the question...what will 'they' try to do to discredit the guy next or even 'take him out'?
I'd be shit scared to go out of the house if I was him.



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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:17 am

They'd have to kill him, though - there's too much unrest (albeit middle-class and tea-and-crumpets, formal letters and strong statements unrest) at the minute and no-one in authority has worked out yet how to win a trial by media when being an obvious cunt without resorting to turning into that Korean bloke.

His death would be too contentious, so it just has to be "softer" charges that are ostensibly unrelated to his "elsewhere" activities. All your left with is sex when you boil it down to that.

Since he'll have kept it firmly zipped ever since, they'll have to go back to Elton John's self-admitted completely fictional rentboy of a couple of decades back and ask him to make something else up.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:48 am

Bert wrote: and no-one in authority has worked out yet how to win a trial by media
Wanna bet?
The British government, along with Clarence Mitchell and the UK media have kept the fucking McCanns free for 4 years so far.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:07 am

Nobby Cheese wrote:
Bert wrote: and no-one in authority has worked out yet how to win a trial by media
Wanna bet?
The British government, along with Clarence Mitchell and the UK media have kept the fucking McCanns free for 4 years so far.

Press opinion is that we can't have foreigners telling us how to behave, Tone. Consequently, you could be found dead with the murderer standing over you still hacking away, but if you're British and the slasher not, it's news. Reverse it, you're innocent and the deceased was asking for it anyway.

Assange is Australian, charges are Swedish, bankroll is American. There's no jingoistic angle for the press to exploit or rather, slavishly follow.

The McCanns are still free because they are highly-paid specialist people from a lovely area who were unfortunate enough to be holidaying with several other highly paid specialist people from lovely areas in what has been made out to be a country of sardines and ass-jawbone ploughs. You can't convict Beautiful Britons in a backwater (that isn't a fucking backwater).

Put the kid in a bedroom in Dewsbury and make the mother like Waynetta Slob and you get a different response - imprisonment and the Bin Bag squad for the PC.

The British government is incompetent, Tony - it couldn't find its own arsehole with a mirror. If it ever gets away with anything it is because it has some self-regulating cock of an organisation covering up its fuckups.

IPCC, PCC, parliamentary select committees, even the BBC, MPs must be weeping and wailing at the prospect of their expenses seeing them in Belmarsh for ass-widening because they'd got away with it forever and now they don't - the indignation at this isn't at the accusation or even the being caught - it's at the no-bale-out from their paymasters. No accountability and constant escape from sanction through fudging and incompetence and a lack of accountability.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:15 am

As an example, you'll see that the best organisations for government respect and results tend to be single platform organisations. If you stand up on race, say (look at the Top Gear row) you'll get hauled over the coals - single platform. Gender? The Sky Sackings, single platform. Probably the best campaigning widespread pressure group is Stonewall - single platform.

If you are only arguing one thing on a repeat basis and you keep refusing to address matters, you look a cunt. This government can't afford that and hates the idea


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:42 am

Superb posts Bert.


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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  bitofatwat Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:10 am

Trial by media nowadays, they can now brain wash 75% of the population mainly (simple folk), but that makes up the majority Mad

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wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist Empty Re: wiki-rapist sweating like a rapist

Post  Guest Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:11 am

bitofatwat wrote:Trial by media nowadays, they can now brain wash 75% of the population mainly (simple folk), but that makes up the majority Mad

That's the thing, though - you can't win a trial by media when you're simply wrong.

Go on to the BBC or better, youtube and see if you can see Ben Brown interviewing Jody McIntyre. You can see on youtube the video of JodyMcIntyre getting dragged into no man's land (rather than a wagon if he was to be arrested) for having cerebral palsy and being in a wheelchair, which would have got that copper lynched on another night. Brown interviews him and somehow tries to assert that the man he's clearly dying to call "a fucking spastic" was being threatening for being a self-proclaimed "revolutionary" (as if that's a term akin to "paedophile") and because he was "rolling towards the police".

He's in a fucking wheelchair, he's hardly coming at the police at a Usain Bolt pace wearing a mask and carrying a lit Molly in one hand and a baton in the other. The police response was disproportionate and Brown came out looking a cunt with multiple complaints against him. The BBC then filibustered to see the matter just drop over time because it was a trial by media where they had no defence. No further action, hope it goes away.


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