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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:19 am

Old Uncle Sam seems to have really gone to town on this chap by slapping 22 new charges on him.
Poor cunt probably said anything in order to stop them beating and torturing the crap out of him.
I wonder if J.Assange will soon be in an adjacent cell?




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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:13 am

but do you think he did it PP, do you think he leaked the info?

if so, there can only be one answer and that is life inside with the possibility of being big winston's biatch to protect him from other inmates who might not like someone betraying the military or other citizens which is what he did if he did release those documents

100 years ago he would have been shot, i think he still should be along with the chavs that nicked tony's bikes as you suggested the other day

you can't be in a job like that and be releasing that info, you know that

as for the other cunt, he shouldn't be over here, he's not british, he's wanted for rape in sweden, send the cunt there and let him him defend himself and let the celebs find another cause to jump on for publicity


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:38 am

Abdul Kowalski wrote:but do you think he did it PP, do you think he leaked the info?

if so, there can only be one answer and that is life inside with the possibility of being big winston's biatch to protect him from other inmates who might not like someone betraying the military or other citizens which is what he did if he did release those documents

100 years ago he would have been shot, i think he still should be along with the chavs that nicked tony's bikes as you suggested the other day

you can't be in a job like that and be releasing that info, you know that

as for the other cunt, he shouldn't be over here, he's not british, he's wanted for rape in sweden, send the cunt there and let him him defend himself and let the celebs find another cause to jump on for publicity

I obviously don't know if he did it Abdul, but if he did then he is guilty of crimes which are tantamount to treason and should pay the penalty for his behaviour.
If they have him banged to rights for putting national security in danger then I see no reason why the lad should not get the bullet in the back of the head treatment.
There is just something a bit too suspect about this Wiki Leaks thing though that smells of scapegoats, manufactured evidence and arrests.
The whole saga of leak after leak, court case after court case and warrant after warrant seems like it will run and run.
It must be very embarrassing for governments and leaders throughout the world so I wouldn't be surprised if some forms of underhand tactics are being deployed though.



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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:19 pm

"The enemy" means fuck all. It's like "the taxpayer". He doesn't exist, it's a suitable abstract to get the fucking tubthumping loons behind.

They are throwing blanket charges at this kid and hoping something sticks "in a land where justice is a game". They can't execute him because that would put them spectacularly behind Burma in the freedom stakes.

Meanwhile, in terms of Assange, if he isn't entitled to stay in this country because he's not from here, Wootton Bassett is going to be very busy over the next couple of days as we airlift our forces from every country in the world we're occupying on some pretence or other and drop them off in Wiltshire with £35 and a map of where their nearest base is now they've decided to shut a few. Slaphead Dave will be busy building that time machine to go back and erase any illegal wars in the last, oh, decade or so and while he's at it, retract his statement about sticking his shiny fod into Libya.

I also look forward to our own international persecution of a country that used our sovereign territory to allow for "extraordinary rendition" of individuals. I refer of course to American torture en route to Guantanamo Bay on Diego Garcia. We denied it then admitted it, so we might not try ourselves and then change our minds.

Since duplicity is clearly at the heart of these two nations, I can never understand why they don't sue for execution. They're barbarians who just don't like the label, when it all comes down to it.

On the grounds of treason, by the way, I'd angle for the prosecution and full weight of the law to be brought to bear on the relevant secretaries of state and the prime minister (yes, in small letters) at the time when Purnell and the others were losing personal private data of swathes of the citizenry and getting away from it by going "Ah, um, sorry". Expense fraud also is state theft from an elected personage who is responsible for maintenance of and execution of the law and as such, they knew what they were doing, the were deliberately obfuscating and fabricating official government documents. I'll have that as treason as well, please.

I could go on...


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:26 pm

Post of the century Bert.

Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 380407


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:40 pm

Good post Bert.
Food for thought and all that.



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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:44 pm

We've a public sector (and therefore effectively unaccountable - that's another alley) that is trying to behave like the private sector and a private sector that, when the wheels fall off, throws up its hands and shouts "help!" and government turns up to kiss the booboo. Which makes it a mirror of what is the public sector.

The role reversal is laughable were it not so fucking serious for us all. There are pieces of the private sector can think that opening a pork butcher's in Tripoli is a cracking idea, piss money at it and know full well that when they don't sell a chop in three months, the government will buy them all, all the rancid stock too and add a few quid on top to replenish. Meanwhile, areas of government that produce more money than they cost (Bill Bryson mirrors this in one of his books as well, where a department at the cost of $1m recoups $8m per annum. Government refuses to stump up the $1m and the department is closed down) are being slashed.

The state has no income but can bale out private companies which do in anything from huge share capital to tax offsetting. How does that work? It'd be like Murdoch going the boozer, buying drinks for all and then saying "Dave's paying, he's just not here yet"


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:55 pm

And another thing, if the state owns 41% of Lloyds and they make what was it, £2.2bn profit, then that's nearly a billion and it's tax free.

Fuck that, make it taxable, claim it off yourself, still therefore in the government pot, and claim the tax off the other 59%. And keep the interest, maybe even take a controlling interest since you fucking bailed them out in the first place. What do you know, revenue?

But no, they'll sell off the fucking lot. Wear the losses, allow the gains to be offset against tax and who wins and loses? Shareholders and us respectively. It's obscene that the pauper gets squeezed and the disposable income gets all the breaks. What sort of logic gets wet and buys an umbrella when the rain stops so as to give it away the next time it pisses down?


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  bitofatwat Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:08 pm

Ever thought of a political career bert?

Anyway for PM

Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 380407

Posts : 9479
Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 62
Location : twatsville Barnsley

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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:46 pm

Yeah, good posts but the likes of him should still be shot - twice and in the face as well as the bollocks

now, that was a lovely meal with two bottles of red and i shall now go down the pub to test my new 'bomb' darts

Very Happy


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:59 pm

Future generations will erect statues of Manning and Assange.
God bless them both.
And yes....Bert should be Prime Minsister.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:10 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:Future generations will erect statues of Manning and Assange.
God bless them both.
And yes....Bert should be Prime Minsister.

they will tone, cos like you say britain is broke, so they will worship these cunts

manning will have a statue in supergrass and traitors alley and assange will have his own rapists sweden tour for 18-30s with split condoms and a balaclava provided

welcome to the fucked up world

i simply re-circulated your poxy unused bicycles to some poor travellers whose horse had broken down and you squeal like a baby



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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:26 pm

Fuck off you brainwashed cunt
Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 882526


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:53 pm

Prowler....If the government claims that Manning leaked documents which aided and abetted the enemy, who exactly are they labeling as 'the enemy?' The millions of non-violent, pro-democracy demonstrators in Tunisia and Egypt who overthrew despots, in part sparked by the release of the Wikileaks cables that exposed corruption in their countries?


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:00 am

Tony: I'd say that the Yanks are concerned more about their own back yard and if he is in breach of the equivalent of the 'Official Secrets Act' then the dude has committed a serious crime, whether he is a freedom fighter with a conscience or not.
It's not for me to say though and as I have already indicated in an earlier post: I think that the Wiki Leaks stuff stinks of a search for scapegoats through manufactured evidence / arrests and perhaps even underhand behaviour on the part of government departments who seem desperate to silence those that are (or who are thought to be) involved in embarrassing their regimes and putting their national security at risk...especially the USA.
It will run and run, that's for sure.



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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:25 am

Nobby Cheese wrote:Fuck off you brainwashed cunt
Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 882526

put the drugs away you crazed old hippy, it's not the sixties anymore, the beatles are dead, you can't leave your front door open anymore and you can't release intelligence or any business information wherever you work

if the cunt released that info, he shouldn't see the light of day for decades, end of


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:02 am

Abdul Kowalski wrote:Yeah, good posts but the likes of him should still be shot - twice and in the face as well as the bollocks

now, that was a lovely meal with two bottles of red and i shall now go down the pub to test my new 'bomb' darts

Very Happy

We're in a country where it could happen, Abdul. That's why Manning's in prison and they're reviewing closed circuit tv cameras in the world leader for such surveillance to see if Assange has dropped a crisp bag in the last three months. The CPS are on standby


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:04 am

Abdul Kowalski wrote:
Nobby Cheese wrote:Future generations will erect statues of Manning and Assange.
God bless them both.
And yes....Bert should be Prime Minsister.

they will tone, cos like you say britain is broke, so they will worship these cunts

manning will have a statue in supergrass and traitors alley and assange will have his own rapists sweden tour for 18-30s with split condoms and a balaclava provided

welcome to the fucked up world

i simply re-circulated your poxy unused bicycles to some poor travellers whose horse had broken down and you squeal like a baby


Or as we call it, Parliament Square. They can put it next to Jan fucking Smuts.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:11 am

Punting Prowler wrote:Tony: I'd say that the Yanks are concerned more about their own back yard and if he is in breach of the equivalent of the 'Official Secrets Act' then the dude has committed a serious crime, whether he is a freedom fighter with a conscience or not.
It's not for me to say though and as I have already indicated in an earlier post: I think that the Wiki Leaks stuff stinks of a search for scapegoats through manufactured evidence / arrests and perhaps even underhand behaviour on the part of government departments who seem desperate to silence those that are (or who are thought to be) involved in embarrassing their regimes and putting their national security at risk...especially the USA.
It will run and run, that's for sure.


The remarkable truth in that statement, PP, is that in the last couple of months, map and globe websites have had their servers explode through repeated attempts to access in the USA. It seems the entire country is suddenly interested in actually knowing where XYZ is in the world rather than being happy in the knowledge that they can bomb the bollocks out of it and providing they seal their borders from the fuzzywuzzies, they are save from reprisal. Closed borders, increased surveillance of aliens, nationalism in the face of reason, imperialism. Go back thirty years, that was "the Russian enemy". With that gone, though, who do you pick on?


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:15 am

Abdul Kowalski wrote:
Nobby Cheese wrote:Fuck off you brainwashed cunt
Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 882526

put the drugs away you crazed old hippy, it's not the sixties anymore, the beatles are dead, you can't leave your front door open anymore and you can't release intelligence or any business information wherever you work

if the cunt released that info, he shouldn't see the light of day for decades, end of

You can in this country. That's why fuckface slaphead wants reins on the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Aside from making people accountable, it also shows up "ethically dubious" decision-making.

And there's no defence in not to save occasionally "commercial in confidence". Recovery of information digitally means there's no cost defence.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:32 am

Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. 380407


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:29 pm

Bert wrote:
Punting Prowler wrote:Tony: I'd say that the Yanks are concerned more about their own back yard and if he is in breach of the equivalent of the 'Official Secrets Act' then the dude has committed a serious crime, whether he is a freedom fighter with a conscience or not.
It's not for me to say though and as I have already indicated in an earlier post: I think that the Wiki Leaks stuff stinks of a search for scapegoats through manufactured evidence / arrests and perhaps even underhand behaviour on the part of government departments who seem desperate to silence those that are (or who are thought to be) involved in embarrassing their regimes and putting their national security at risk...especially the USA.
It will run and run, that's for sure.


The remarkable truth in that statement, PP, is that in the last couple of months, map and globe websites have had their servers explode through repeated attempts to access in the USA. It seems the entire country is suddenly interested in actually knowing where XYZ is in the world rather than being happy in the knowledge that they can bomb the bollocks out of it and providing they seal their borders from the fuzzywuzzies, they are save from reprisal. Closed borders, increased surveillance of aliens, nationalism in the face of reason, imperialism. Go back thirty years, that was "the Russian enemy". With that gone, though, who do you pick on?

Ben Bernanke, for one, in the good old US of A, is not too chuffed with the way the chaps out here run their economic and monetary policies.
What a fucking pity.
Big Ben and his ill thought out and much maligned QE2 is sinking faster the Titantic.
How can these fucking tools be taken seriously anymore?
Answer: They can't and they know it.
The Yanks must be grinding their teeth so hard everyday that their mouths bleed.



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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:39 pm

I just long for the day somebody nukes the cunts.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:30 pm

PP, one answer is they pick on Islam.

Not in an overt way, but in a way that Muslims feel the pinch. One statement that's come up in the last few days over Libya is that more than half its population is under 30. Now, if other Middle Eastern states show that same demographic, then there are two points to consider

(i) That is the age group of the generic protester
(ii) That is the age group of the ruled and not the ruling

They (the generation, not just the Libyans) are simply ripe for radicalisation and a banner to stand behind. Couple of well placed agents provocateurs and who knows where they'll end up? Give them the last forty seconds on 60 Minutes, tell the good ole boys "they all want to kill you" without the extra "because of what your government does" and then roll the credits and the Old Glory-loving redneck rises to the surface in the lot of them.

I'm a massive patriot, always have been, but I won't rally around what's fundamentally wrong. Fat Jacqui when she was Home Secretary between skinflicks was looking for excessive detention periods, universal identity cards that wouldn't be mandatory but you wouldn't be able to do a fucking thing socially without one and retaining almost a million DNA specimens of innocent people on the offchance that some day in the future, they might commit a crime. The reasoning behind it was "wooooh, terrorism" when what she was really saying was "wooooh, brown faces". Having a slightly unpink face saw a Brazilian electrician lose his life for wearing a jacket that he wasn't fucking wearing, they made it up. That's the bottom line - the slightly different from the countries that have flood, famine and earthquake became the enemy because the Cold War was over and someone needs to be the new threat.

If you don't believe it (and I'm not saying you don't) then if "terrorism" is such an issue, where were, say, ID cards when Irish terrorism was at its peak? It's a blind, a way of rallying the likes of the EDL and the BNP around a cause that isn't the fucking problem. Government on the face of it abhor the two organisations above but when all is said and done, they created them in the same way they radicalise others (only in a silent oppression of the mind) and now they just feed off the spoils and you end up with two noisy fucking minorities getting the same airtime as that dickhead Peter Andre married only with slightly less policy quotient.

Keeps them in power, everyone's a winner. Except us.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:38 pm

Spot on Bert.....I lived in London throughout the 70's when the IRA were blowing people and places up left right and centre......no anti -terrorism measures were hurried through then.
The world's biggest terrorists buy a mile are us and the cunting yanks.


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Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker. Empty Re: Bradley Manning: Wiki Leaker.

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