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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:11 pm

The hypno-induced psychotic public can’t even hear the war drums any more, no matter how loud. They’ve become background music, white noise or something to tap your foot to. With sadistic glee still warm over Gadhafi’s public torture and execution through the streets of Libya, the bloodthirsty mind-controlled western public will count a Syrian overthrow a nice after dinner mint, while monstrous illegal death drone attack reports on innocent civilians in Pakistan and Somalia are savored pastries while sipping their morning coffee.
A monstrous world unleashed while citizens nod and sway to the rhythm of dystopian mechanized war and control.
Such is today’s surreal world environment. 10 years of genocidal wars and now these latest barbaric atrocities in Libya have made their inroads even broader, in the middle east and even more in the human mind. And as they continue their saber rattling and massive propaganda campaigns, little do people realize they’re garnering a tsunami of unspoken public permission with each passing day.
What few are realizing is a war with Iran will no doubt initiate at least a limited nuclear conflagration, the effects of which will change history forever. Diabolically couched as a pre-emptive strike on a rogue nation to save Israel and US interests, such a move will inevitably draw China and Russia into the conflict.
Don’t think so? When you come to realize that’s exactly what they want, that’s when you’ll know you’re waking up.
When you know a New World Order is the desired outcome, you realize the old world order needs to be debunked, crippled and reset. The global financial and economic structure has been brought to the brink. Sovereignty is being scuttled worldwide, and the population is taking to the streets.
Pass the remote, Eastenders is coming on.


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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:18 pm

it's a fkr for sure.


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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:53 pm

erixter wrote:yep,
it's a fkr for sure.

Good point, well made.
World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television 882526


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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:58 pm



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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  NotBert Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:18 pm

The one thing about that Tone, is that there are two blatant US spellings in there - it's "savoured" and "sabre". Since when have the cunting Yanks interested themselves in foreign policy? They turned up late for two WORLD wars, they refuse to acknowledge global initiatives by the UN on say, conventions on the rights of the child - the only other nation to duck that is Somalia where, because of the civil strife, they wouldn't have an army if they did.

Listen to an episode of 60 Minutes - there will be thirty seconds maybe of global news unless the US have their finger directly in the pie. What they're doing at the minute is solely to obviate the fact that they have less than no money. It's 75 years since a man said "No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold on to their privileges." It's no less true today. If you put a name to the bloke who said it, no-one will have heard of him. Yet when they buried him, up to half a milion people lined the streets of the city. And what a city.

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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  NotBert Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:26 pm

They know they can't win in Iran. However, since Iran is limited in its external efforts, they can say anything they fucking like about them, what are they going to do?

Sounds good, but it's all sound and fury, signifying nothing. The Septics are fucking stupid, but not that stupid because the bottom line is it would destroy not the world but the almighty dollar. And without that they're fuck all, they become a land of opportunity with no opportunity.

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

Post  Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:50 pm

If only we could rid the planet of Zionists.


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World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television Empty Re: World War 3 on it's way as the dumbed down watch shit television

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