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off on a magical mystery-tour.

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off on a magical mystery-tour. Empty off on a magical mystery-tour.

Post  Guest Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:49 pm

aldi's actually.

i what joys lie in wait for me today. off on a magical mystery-tour. 4130722370


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off on a magical mystery-tour. Empty Re: off on a magical mystery-tour.

Post  Guest Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:27 pm

it was quite un-eventful.
i got i wanted,
and came home. cheers

did a lot of thinking,
and analysing,
on the way home,
as is my wont.

and came to the conclusion that,
for now,
i'm just gonna let the world go by.
no point in trying to take part.
i'd only get in the way,
or at best,
be a minor irrtation.

i don't really mind.

it like being told,
i gonna go and watch paint dry,
want some?

i don't think so.

it really does puzzle me though.

like this young woman who got on my bus today,
she gets on most afternoons.
and she drives me nuts.
25 ish,
i'd say.
not unattrractive.
but she can't stop fuckin talking.
where's the "off button" ffs?
non-stop. off on a magical mystery-tour. 616326
i go upstairs out of earshot.

apart from that,
bless her,
all is well at erix mews.(or should that be muse? Neutral )
got the dogs feet caught under the door as i walked in,
mouthy little cnut.
but that was good,
cos now she sits cuddling him. off on a magical mystery-tour. 523193
was gone put an angry smilie there,
but i just can't be bothered to get angry.
i really can't.

so anyway,
shopping all done,
taurus safely stashed in the bunker,
and it's just about toasting-time.


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