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UK's richest footballer........

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:22 pm


doesn't THAT tell all. study


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  bitofatwat Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:22 pm

erixter wrote:SHREK.

doesn't THAT tell all. study

And there's is people starving in the world Mad

I'd cap all footballers wages at 100,000 a year

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:26 pm

they really do have money to burn. UK's richest footballer........ 523193


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  NotBert Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:29 pm

Ban the fucking lot

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:35 pm

reduce it to sport status eh? Laughing


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  missyj Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:43 pm

bitofatwat wrote:
erixter wrote:SHREK.

doesn't THAT tell all. study

And there's is people starving in the world Mad

I'd cap all footballers wages at 100,000 a year
I don't like that school of thought , let them get what someone's willing to pay IMO

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:52 pm

missyj wrote:
bitofatwat wrote:
erixter wrote:SHREK.

doesn't THAT tell all. study

And there's is people starving in the world Mad

I'd cap all footballers wages at 100,000 a year
I don't like that school of thought , let them get what someone's willing to pay IMO



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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  NotBert Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:44 pm

erixter wrote:reduce it to sport status eh? Laughing

Not even that, Eric. It's a distraction from the natural propensity of humanity for social improvement and ongoing revolution. The world is dominated by inane celebrity blinding people from societal plundering from net drains on the public effort.

Parliament should be a way of benefiting us all in the name of common good. Nye Bevan was a miner at 13 and led his Miner's Lodge at 19. He went into politics to make a difference and built a health service and houses when there were no materials to build houses. George Osborne folded towels for a week after doing a degree in some fucking theory element and then was given a safe seat in leafy Cheshire, going into politics to realise the furthering of power and interests to those already interested in power. Cameron's dad got him his early jobs and his theory degree set him in great stead to teach the average working man absolutely fuck all.

They call football the "beautiful game". It's neither beautiful, nor is it a game. It's an ugly business

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  bitofatwat Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:49 pm

missyj wrote:
bitofatwat wrote:
erixter wrote:SHREK.

doesn't THAT tell all. study

And there's is people starving in the world Mad

I'd cap all footballers wages at 100,000 a year
I don't like that school of thought , let them get what someone's willing to pay IMO

Then you get a 17yo who goes out and buys a 100k Merc and kills innocent people.

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Age : 62
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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  missyj Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:37 pm

bitofatwat wrote:
missyj wrote:
bitofatwat wrote:
erixter wrote:SHREK.

doesn't THAT tell all. study

And there's is people starving in the world Mad

I'd cap all footballers wages at 100,000 a year
I don't like that school of thought , let them get what someone's willing to pay IMO

Then you get a 17yo who goes out and buys a 100k Merc and kills innocent people.
that's a really really rubbish argument you must know that

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  NotBert Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:50 am

Paying what someone is willing to pay is an argument for slavery.

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  morning_glory Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:14 am

do we say the same things about actors or musicians? we may do, but what grates with people is that footballers are mainly working class.I say good luck to them but it would be nice if they could give money to charity, if they dont already.

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  NotBert Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:45 am

Actors and musicians are paid by results. You don't go out and buy the same album or DVD forty-two times and even then it is outright shit for half of them.

Footballers meanwhile aren't working class. The days of the Stuart Imlachs of the game are over. There was a time that the testimonial was designed to give a lump sum for the down payment on a pub as his playing days were over and he had to find something else. Now it's an embarrassment, a further source of revenue for a fartaround who could have retired at 25.

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  missyj Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:40 am

I agree with a min wage but as far as the other end of the scale goes like mg says good luck to them

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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:11 pm

who'd say no to a given talent.
and if someones says it's worth £millions.
lucky them eh?
we can't all be blessed can we?
i suppose that it's the vulgarity goes with it,
that grates. study


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  NotBert Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:10 pm

Football is a sacred cow in this country. Teams should go to the wall but they don't; they have debts a PLC would not be allowed to maintain; they get bailed out desite not being a going concern; the players' union has the highest paid leader in the country and he is in the thrall of the owners instead of at the call of his members; when hate crime surfaces, criminal charges aren't brought, it is handled internally and the perpetrators get off.

You can't talk about talent because there is none. This country is fucking piss poor, technically in the Dark Ages and a poor midtable global outfit. In areas where we excel, funding is left short but football gets the fucking megabucks.

The Germans have two sides all but through to the European Cup final while the English are nowhere to be seen. The Bundesliga as a matter of course has low ticket costs and yet sides spend less than 50% of revenue on players' wages. TV money is one quarter as much in terms of revenue in Germany than it is for the popinjays of the Premier League ($50m v $200m), a misnomer if there ever was one. Every Premier League side is in debt. The majority in Germany are in the black. How?

The majority shareholders are the fans, not some private oligarch. The Green Bay Packers are the same in the NFL. The biggest gates in Europe are in Germany

People's game my fucking arse, it's a stalking horse for private interests and it sucks the fucking life out of us all. This country deserves the football it has because it accepts shit over substance

Last edited by NotBert on Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 5739
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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:43 pm

Well said Bert
Fantastic post mate.
UK's richest footballer........ 1262168784


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

Post  Guest Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:43 am

Nobby Cheese wrote:Well said Bert
Fantastic post mate.
UK's richest footballer........ 1262168784


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UK's richest footballer........ Empty Re: UK's richest footballer........

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