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Time for the revolution is now

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  bitofatwat Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:09 am

No real union powers nowadays....Thatcher was a cunt of the highest order.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  bitofatwat Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:40 am

on the assumption that it's your standard 40 hour week, that's £1.34 an hour Evil or Very Mad


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:38 am

Contrary to the Volunteer Charter


  • The involvement of volunteers should complement and supplement the work of paid staff, and should not be used to displace paid staff or undercut their pay and conditions of service.
  • The added value of volunteers should be highlighted as part of commissioning or grant-making process but their involvement should not be used to reduce contract costs.

This isn't Tesco alone. This is fucking Purnell out of the last shower of cunts and it being followed through by Cameron's bastards. It's the demonisation of the poor, sick and infirm all over again. The thing is, the revolution of the sick has started already as the attempt to ride roughshod over us all with the NHS Bill and the Welfare Reform Bill isn't working - the opposition is getting the support that the government has worked itself into a frenzy trying to suppress by deriding everyone nd hardening attitudes through its tame press.

It's failed. The likes of Sue Marsh are right in there pitching and pitching a beauty at that. The same applies for this Workfare. Inch by inch, it's being turned aside. Sainsbury's have turned away from it, as have the Co-Op, Superdrug are being shamed by it and their embarrassment usually will end up in an undertaking to drop it.

The worst cunts are like that tax-dodging bastard Green and the Arcadia group but these groups such as http://www.boycottworkfare.org/ are making inroads.

The legitimate opposition to this country has by default fallen upon the shoulders of various unions, the Occupy movement, Disability Rights UK and people who affiliate to it and pressure groups who will name and shame through FOI such as Boycottworkfare. The trouble with that is that they are getting louder, making government look more and more cuntish and government can't attack them on a personal level because it's an uprising of the great unwashed. They can't call them nasal cunts with Tourette's because they aren't in the bubble of the parliamentary chamber. They're the people who put you in the chamber in the first place. There are millions of voters out there who are brother, sister, husband, wife, mother, neighbour to every one of those who are rising up now and you can't turn them aside because it's the person who'll be spitting in your coffee, Cameron, were you not getting it for fucking pennies in your canteen (yes, I've been in the parliamentary canteen, you cheeky cunts, subsidising it while paying yourselves a fulsome salary)

The next step when the weather improves you'll see will be unrest (I can see "Hardest Hit" being right in there again for one) if responses to this assault on humanity are ignored. I can see the Olympics being a real flashpoint. At an industrial level, Len McCluskey may not see it yet but he is in a position to tap into the collective strength that Jack Jones had behind him in the 70s. If he recruits the Workfarers on a nominal charge, the whole fucking shooting match escalates.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:24 am

Well said Bert.
I'll be up on the front line when it kicks off despite my age.


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:46 am

Expect a public sector strike on a big scale again before April (partly depending on whether the future Lord Prentis embraces his members' wishes or ducks the fight completely).

I can see Bob Crow, irrespective of agreements, shouting "all bets are off" ten minutes before the Afghan team arrive for the Olympics (if there's one earlier in the alphabet, my apologies). The country is ripe for complete disobedience. I'd lay odds a protester or two gets shot before the summer is out because that's the way this dickhead in charge will roll and May is fucking stupid enough to not see the Mussolini it would make her.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:18 am

@TescoUK Twitter is a joy to behold. Tweet after tweet saying "it wasn't us, honest". If they haven't got the stomach for the fight and to balls it out, step aside and pay your fucking workers properly while declaiming the policy, you shithouses.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  bitofatwat Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:35 pm

NotBert wrote:@TescoUK Twitter is a joy to behold. Tweet after tweet saying "it wasn't us, honest". If they haven't got the stomach for the fight and to balls it out, step aside and pay your fucking workers properly while declaiming the policy, you shithouses.

It would be awful if loads of people contacted Amanda Evans at Tesco and gave her abuse, like any vag pics Laughing


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:11 pm

strong words here. Neutral


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:47 pm

bitofatwat wrote:
NotBert wrote:@TescoUK Twitter is a joy to behold. Tweet after tweet saying "it wasn't us, honest". If they haven't got the stomach for the fight and to balls it out, step aside and pay your fucking workers properly while declaiming the policy, you shithouses.

It would be awful if loads of people contacted Amanda Evans at Tesco and gave her abuse, like any vag pics Laughing

Twitter has melted down completely. They have repeat stock answer after repeated stock answer to tweets of protest and to tweets seeking explanation. Thing is, they aren't responding to the majority. I sent three and have drawn a blank. I doubt I'm alone.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:07 pm

I got a response on Twitter Bert:

Thanks for letting us know of your concerns. We've noted them and will of course pass them on.


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:21 pm

I'm starting to think we may be a social experiment that the rest of the world are watching...the government is seeing how far it can push the people before the backlash begins



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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:16 pm

That fucking stalking horse cunt Davies. I dismantled him on BBC 5Live, feeding Stephen Nolan his arguments.

Now it's policy. I'd like to see Cameron try it on in a room with some disabled people. We're not all malleable cripples as he seems to think and I'd kick his arse from Witney to Brittany.

8h @UKTesco You claim 300 permanent jobs. How many lives have you ruined with forced WorkFareUK and how many hours work have you had for free?

8h Current responses to my legitimate queries: #TescoUK 0, #DWP 0. I'm pretty confident that this tie will end up going to infinite penalties.

8h As Tesco blames DWP/JobCentrePlus but retains its policy, I've decided there's only one way to resolve it - let them slug it out #PRDisaster

8h @dwppressoffice Are you aware that Tesco is laying the blame squarely at your door on Twitter for promoting their WorkFareUK slavery policy?

9h My last 3 tweets to Tesco are 9 minutes & running from the earliest. Betting on an apposite response - Yes 14/1, No 1/25, crap reply no bet.

9h @UKTesco This is my 3rd tweet on your WorkFareUK slavery policy. I am monitoring the length of response time as a customer service exercise

9h @UKTesco Offering jobs to forced volunteers through WorkFareUK contravenes the TUC volunteer charter. Do you recognise trade unions at all?

9h JobCentrePlus blamed by Tesco for its slavery policy. Will Tesco now use the preferred supplier "the British public" & offer a living wage?

9h Tesco customer care are replying to every tweet with an identical response. It's reassuring that its customer care matches its slave policy

9h @UKTesco This is a test email to see if you have installed a Workfare slave to respond identically to every tweet you send about your policy

Nine hours is a pretty fair indictment that their customer service sucks a big dick


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:05 pm

NotBert wrote:That fucking stalking horse cunt Davies. I dismantled him on BBC 5Live, feeding Stephen Nolan his arguments.

Tell me more!


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:14 am

BBC Question Time tonight showed how fucking clueless those "in charge" are.

Julie Meyer was the worst guest I've ever seen who tried to sell off Nye Bevan and kept saying "digital" inappropriately. Susan Kramer could have looked good by taking the piss out of her but instead made herself look only slightly less of a cunt than Meyer by being almost as clueless. Ken Clarke and John Prescott were man to pig, pig to man and Owen Jones looked about six but made our points for us when the fatnecks shut their fucking traps.

Come the summer, a Gandhi will have come out of the woodwork and there'll be blood when the Fascist incumbent goes for martial law

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  bitofatwat Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:26 am

NotBert wrote:BBC Question Time tonight showed how fucking clueless those "in charge" are.

Julie Meyer was the worst guest I've ever seen who tried to sell off Nye Bevan and kept saying "digital" inappropriately. Susan Kramer could have looked good by taking the piss out of her but instead made herself look only slightly less of a cunt than Meyer by being almost as clueless. Ken Clarke and John Prescott were man to pig, pig to man and Owen Jones looked about six but made our points for us when the fatnecks shut their fucking traps.

Come the summer, a Gandhi will have come out of the woodwork and there'll be blood when the Fascist incumbent goes for martial law

Bert knows cheers

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:25 am

God knows how you manage to watch main stream television Bert....I just couldn't contemplate it.
Cartoons, football and old 50's films only for me.


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:30 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:God knows how you manage to watch main stream television Bert....I just couldn't contemplate it.
Cartoons, football and old 50's films only for me.

You have to watch the likes of BBCQT to see what the bastards do when confronted by real people. There are few occasions when you get any sort of real response but it's not what happens on QT, it's how it's spun that gives us a lead. An important bell-wether in how the Westminster cunts intend to justify kicking some other poor fucker's crutches away.

Other than that it's comedy repeats, cartoons (if you haven't watched Phineas and Ferb, Tone, then treat yourself - for kids but who'd use Richard O'Brien and Malcolm McDowell for voices?) and occasional sport for me. Same goes for newspapers, they can all fuck off. I resent having to put up with the fucking Oxbridge slant of the BBC which the reinvigorated Fascist Home Counties now populates and calls them too left-wing. It's like Cyril Smith calling you a fat cunt.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:36 pm

I can just about bear the online edition of The Guardian.....just.


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:49 pm

Nobby Cheese wrote:I can just about bear the online edition of The Guardian.....just.

I resent having to rely on the Guardian but in terms of the government attacks on disability, they've been stand-up right in there pitching for those who need the support and giving a voice to those who will tell it how it really is.

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:56 pm

It's a shame they supported the cunting Lib Dems


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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:45 pm

There's several million thinking exactly the same, Tone

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:18 am

It's a monumental show of appalling government when your main cheerleader starts writing fair, sensible pieces and makes you look the absolute cunt that you are.

It's also a potential tipping point in this country. If Miliband wants to make a fucking difference he could but he won't, but if he wants power, he could just wave this article at the despatch box until the next General Election.


All you ever need to start a movement is enough people thinking the same. The likes of Disability Rights UK and Sue Marsh are getting this fight up and running in a big way and there's no defending against it

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Time for the revolution is now Empty Re: Time for the revolution is now

Post  NotBert Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:26 pm

Started a blog. Decided it might lower my blood pressure...


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