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Wankers Empty Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:57 pm

dozens die in bombings in Iraq and Pakistan, scores die in a plane crash in Iran, hundreds get murdered in Mexico, deaths fucking everywhere by the thousands but one politician gets shot in America and we 'stand by them' and 'share their grief'

loads of murders everywhere but when it's a pretty blonde bird at christmas we should dna every motherfucker in the city

hypocritical wankers

mine's a cider ta


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:07 pm

I pray I'm alive the day America is nuked off the face of the planet.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:11 pm

Abdul Kowalski wrote:

hypocritical wankers

32 months imprisonment for throwing a fire extinguisher.

Discharging a noxious fire extinguisher in the face of a protester - no charge, let alone sentence.

Guess which one was government backed?


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:15 pm

Don't forget Ian Tomlinson Bert.
Fucking cunting plod.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:15 pm

self defence in the face of a violent protester, fair enough imo

justice, the long haired twat of an 18yo won't be going to oxford for a while now but at least Big Winston in Belmarsh will give him a fast-track doctorate in painful non-voluntary ringpiece enlargement for the next couple of years - stick that on your cv you fucked up protesting tosspot


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:21 pm

Abdul Kowalski wrote:self defence in the face of a violent protester, fair enough imo

Self defence? How?

Wankers Tear-g10

Dickhead was a medic hiding behind containing riot police. Shithouse, IMO. Probably the same bloke who was terrified that Jody McIntyre would spontaneously be cured and grow a bomb vest


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:23 pm

Mad Tony wrote:Don't forget Ian Tomlinson Bert.
Fucking cunting plod.

yeah, another fucking state/legal stitch up


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:27 pm

Two fire extinguishers, one hurts no-one, gets media coverage in spades. The second, a picture in the fucking Metro. Who knew?

Like the three who put a hand on Camilla's carriage. Hunted.

Copper who drags a man with cerebral palsy out of a wheelchair and across London, fuck all. IPCC and PCC, self regulating cock and the BBC trying to somehow blame the bloke in the chair for "rolling towards the police".

Fucking North Korea


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:31 pm

Bert wrote:Two fire extinguishers, one hurts no-one, gets media coverage in spades. The second, a picture in the fucking Metro. Who knew?

Like the three who put a hand on Camilla's carriage. Hunted.

Copper who drags a man with cerebral palsy out of a wheelchair and across London, fuck all. IPCC and PCC, self regulating cock and the BBC trying to somehow blame the bloke in the chair for "rolling towards the police".

Fucking North Korea

Nothing has changed since Blair Peach, in fact you could even go back much further , may 90 years, to see why the filth got these powers


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:30 pm

Twice over the limit drunken driving copper who perverted the course of justice = 4 months.
Fire extinguisher thrower 2 years 8 months!


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:36 pm

Don't get me started on Blair Peach. Top brass in the Met telling a black reporter (I suppose "they all look the same") to get "his people" out because of possible reprisal to me is a man who essentally had no control of his staff.

That's why the Met are cunts. The only people who ever get on in there are little fucking Hitlers, kids who somehow dodged Borstal despite beating up weaker kids throughout their formative years. And they get away with it because rather than be responsible for their actions, they get to justify themselves before an enquiry of their peers. The IPCC wipes cleaner than Cillit Bang, they all stick together. The only cunts worse are the PCC. Self-funding circlejerking bastards. The IBAS of the journalistic world. Won't censure Littlejohn because "he hasn't lied, he's merely voiced an opinion".

Fair enough. Does that mean other press arms can print my opinion that "Littlejohn looks like you'd expect a serial paedo to look - twattish floppy hair and a big coat to hid his cutoff pants."?


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:40 pm

Hey Bert I had a few pints with Ian Bone ( just before Xmas) , I think he would love you!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Bone


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:47 pm

I'm an odd fish though, Kit. I'm not actually anti-police - the average copper is the average dickhead in the street and people are scum. However, the greed that is innate in humans is what fucks me off because the copper, untouchable unless he's ben caught in Newcastle literally with his pants down, gets away with everything. So greed will make him try to get away with everything and anything and the Met will treat them like favourite grandkids.

Parliament is the same, only substituting policy for violence. Osborne's £2k bonus maximum didn't really come to fruition, did it? Who'll make up that difference, then?


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:53 pm

I love Ian , totally into the cause.

Just fucking burn the royals!


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:10 pm

Going back to the fire extinguisher student - he was jailed for what he might've done, not what he did.
That is very disturbing.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:49 am

Mad Tony wrote:Going back to the fire extinguisher student - he was jailed for what he might've done, not what he did.
That is very disturbing.

Yes, Tony. When the original "ooh, attempted murder" whine from the Met came up I couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid because you could actually see the tracks being laid for the railroading.

It'd only be attempted murder if (i) he was thirty feet closer to the ground and (ii) he was Michael fucking Jordan because there is no specific intent to kill, that's a fucking ridiculous assertion.

Now discharge a halon extinguisher, a device that is noxious and simply illegal to use except in very limited circumstances and certainly not needed in a riot line unless you're standing up to the Jan Palach Memorial Squad, and set it off in someone's face which is clearly not on fire and I think you have more of an attempt to specifically injure and possibly kill.

No action. Makes you proud to live in a land where justice is a game.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:14 am

Those red fire extinguishers are seriously heavy fuckers.
It would have killed someone instantly.
Can't really be given a £60 fine and four weeks of community service for an act of such lunacy.



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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:34 am

Exactly, he got what he deserved and was given what should be a deterrent sentence which doesn't always happen - any other instance dragged up such as Blair Peach, the McCanns or whoever has no relation to this individual act of violence, shit happens everywhere but when it does it can't be used to excuse other shit.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  missyj Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:39 am

yep , i wouldnt fancy being under the fucker pale

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Join date : 2010-12-07

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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:30 pm

No-one was under it. You can't stand there and say "he could have killed someone". I drive a car across zebra crossings all the time. If someone were stood on it when I did, they'd be dead.

Everyone conveniently ignoring the medic, a man who I presume is likely to have taken some sort of oath to heal and not maim, discharging poison into the face of a man eighteen inches away. As for individual act of violence, who was hurt exactly? And the same events precipitated the assault on a bloke with cerebral palsy, followed by going back later to drag out a man who is in a wheelchair for a reason.

Country full of fucking apologists. When it's your brother, father or self, minding your own business coming home from work and some dickhead with a baton kills him, remember that you asked for it. Regarding Blair Peach, the point is in over thirty years, they can put a tutu on it and call it community policing but beneath, they're the same fucking thigs they ever were and they'll beat you because they can and you'll let them.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:31 pm

Regarding the weight of a bouncing fire extinguisher that hits no-one, ever been exposed to Halon? Just asking, only that actually happened, you see.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:34 pm

Bert, you're wasting your time.
A huge proportion of their generation has been dumbed down and brainwashed. So badly in fact, that they actually stand up and applaud as the new world order is slipped into place.
It's too easy for them.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:43 pm

It's like this Julian Assange business, Tony. When you think about it, if the cunts in the states got their way and extradited him, he's dead. They'll execute him because they'll send him to a state that will or failing that, he'll meet an accident in occupied Cuba or while on British soil in the Indian Ocean while we claim ignorance. And dickheads will applaud it.

Change the government's name from "USA" to "Iran" and "Palin" to "Ahmadinejad", though, and they'd be knocking down Amnesty's door while Jimmy Carter comes out of the deep freeze to negotiate long enough to set up an air strike.

No death penalty in the EU, a bigger trading block than the USA and we take our lead off the redneck fascists over the pond who have pretensions of liberty but only when it suits them? Beggars belief.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:46 pm

Prejudice has never been so prevalent in this country and the reason is because legislation has identified the victims. You stood a chance when you were a face in the crowd but now, you're fucked. Some shit in government has given you your brand and that's it now - black, Muslim, Jew, disabled, gay, single parent, pensioner, immigrant, you're all fucked because they're cutting, they now know where you are and they'll fucking starve you out.


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

Post  Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:47 pm

Bert wrote:Change the government's name from "USA" to "Iran" and "Palin" to "Ahmadinejad", though, and they'd be knocking down Amnesty's door

Wankers 380407


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Wankers Empty Re: Wankers

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